I Like This

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Justin's P. O. V.

Zendaya is an amazing singer.

We are at lunch now and I could see Nerisia watching me like a halk.

I was so happy that Zendaya came back. She was smiling and laughing with Becky as she came to the lunch table.

"Why are you two smiling? "Za asked.

" Well I'm having a sleep over, "Becky said. We all watched her.

" Who's sleeping over? "Ryan asked.

" Zendaya and her friends, "Becky said.

Zendaya was sitting close to me so I just whispered in her ear.

" You're sleeping over?" she giggled.

"Yeah but not with Becky, "she said with a wink. I think I know what she means. I got to set up my room for her.

" Where are your friends? "Twist asked.

Then we saw all over them heading to the table.

" Hi Zee, "the one I think name is Felicia said.

" Hi girl so where you staying?" Zendaya asked.

Zendaya's P. O. V.

While Felicia was talking Twist was totally checking her out.

I wonder if they would be a good couple.

There's where I live Felicia ended sorry I wasn't listening to her.

"Ok so you coming to the sleep over? "I asked.

" Yeah of course, "Anna said. Oh yes she and Felicia are twins.

I can't wait to finally have a sleep over with them.

After Lunch

Ding the bell rang. I walked to my locker to get the book for my next class.

" Hi beautiful, "I heard a familiar voice say.

" Hi ugly, "I replied walking pass Justin.

He walked behind and tapped my shoulder.

" I'm not ugly, "he said.

" Oh yes you are, "I assured him.

" Well you won't be saying that tonight, "he said. Oh please Ain't Nothing gonna happen tonight.

" Well I came to tell you that the guys and I got a meeting. "

" For real so I'm gonna be her by myself, "I pouted.

Justin's P. O. V.

I hate leaving Zendaya by herself, but I have a meeting. I have to go.

" Listen, Twist will still be here, "I told her.

Zendaya's P. O. V.

So what if Twist's gonna be here. He isn't Justin. He isn't my boyfriend.

" It's okay Justin, "I said with with a weak smile.

I faked it and went to the classroom.

I saw Felicia talking to Twist so I just kept talking to Becky.

" I can't wait for you to come tonight I have something to tell you, "she said blushing.

It has to be a boy.

" Who is he?" I asked.

"Tonight, "she said.

............ Gang Meeting.........

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