29. New community

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The day went as normal. No deaths or injuries that I know off and I decided to take night watch with Sasha.

I sit silently on my tower as car lights finally fill my vision. I smirk with my gun in hand incase it's not them.
They use the coded signal to show its them and I hop down to open the gate. They pull up against the wall next to me and climb out as I closed the gate.

I turn to see the pair of them working to carry a man towards the doctors office.
I chuckle as they glare at me and keep walking.
Rick knocks on the door and slowly the doctor gets up.

I yawn as she opens the door and welcomes us in.
"Go get some sleep I'll be right their" Daryl says noticing my sleepy face.
"Alright, I'll see you their" I say as he walks off and I shake my head lightly as I go to bed.

I begin stepping up the porch when I hear a voice call my name.
"Hey Maggs" I say as she jogs up to me.
"Thea I need to talk to you" she says as I sit down on the porch.
"Come have a seat" I say patting the area next to me.
"Thanks" she mumbles.
"What's on your mind?" I ask fiddling with my fingers.
"I wanted to tell you before you found out from someone else, I'm pregnant" she says.

"Oh I'm so happy for you!" I say hugging her.
"I can be auntie Thea!" I shout jumping up with new found energy.
She laughs in her seat before putting a hand on her tummy and looking down.

"What's wrong?" I ask noticing her silence.
"I'm scared. I mean Lori didn't survive and-"
"Those were bad times. There was a bad guy in our home, it's different here. You will be fine, I'll make sure of it" I reassure as tears stream down her face.

"Oh no I think I did a bad. I didn't say anything bad right? I mea-" I start as she hugs me.
"I'm just so happy" she sobs into my ear as Glenn catches up to us.
"What did you say?" He asks me and I shrug.
"Come on we should get to bed" he whispers to Maggie as he removes her from the hug she's trapped me in.
"Goodnight maggs" I say before walking up to bed.

"So how'd you get out?" Rick asks someone as I walk down the stairs in my usual blue vest top and jeggins.
"One guard can't cover two exits with three story windows, right?" a man replies.
"Right" Daryl grumbles as I notice the hostility in the room.

Most people have guns ready to fire if he moves.
"I checked out your arsenal. Havnt seen anything like that in a long time, you well equipped. But your provisions are low, very low for the amount of people you have. 54" he states as I lean against the door.
"More then that" Maggie says glancing at me.
"Well I appreciate the cookie. Compliments to the chief" he says.
"She ain't here" Daryl says.

"Look we got off at a bad start. But we're on the same side, the living side" he explains as I walk out the room, not mentally prepared for a speech at this time in the morning.
I grab a small cup of coffee and head back into the room returning to my position.
"Alright we leave as soon as possible" rick announce and I stare confused.
"Where?" I whisper into Carl's ear.
"He's got a camp" he explains and I nod sipping my cup.

"Hey!" I growl as my cup is taken and I watch Daryl drink it.
"Coffee makes you too hyper" he explains putting the cup down.
"Who's that?" I ask pointing at the man.

"My names Paul but you can call me Jesus" he says stretching out a hand.
I glance at Daryl and he nods before I shake his hand.
"Thea but Everyone calls me a pain in the ass" I joke and he snorts.
"Ya riding with us today?" Daryl asks me.
"Yeah. I'm sure May can watch rose for me" I say nodding.
"Okay. I'm gonna go check the RV" he says walking out.

"So they call you Jesus because of the beard or because of some voodoo crap?" I ask.
"Only the beard. I'm pretty sure everyone's lost faith by now" he says sadly.
"And yet we still have a church. Crazy if you ask me but it keep people's hope up" I say and he nods.
"I saw the church on the way here last night" he says.

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