33. Were on easy street

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"well arnt you a pretty face" he says crouching down.
"What's your name sweetheart?" He asks as I bite my tongue.

"Thea" I answer trying to make my voice strong.
"Thea. I don't suppose you would like to come back to the compound with me" he asks as I glare.

"Well geez. That answered my question" he says getting up and pacing to the end of the line.
"I just can't decide!" He shouts.

He laughs to him self before turning to us.
"I have an idea. Inny meany miny moe catch a tiger by his toe if he shouts let him go, inny meant miny moe" he finishes as his bat swings onto his shoulder.

"My mother told me to choose the best one and you are it!" He says as his bat lands on Abraham.

"If anyone moves or shouts cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father. You can breath, you can shout, you can blink, you can cry. Hell your all gonna be doing a lot of that" he says before slamming his bat down on his head.

I gasp and jump back as my breathing becomes rugged and I stare in horror.
"Look at him. Taking it like a champ" he says as Abraham rises back up.
"Suck my nuts!" He growls as he takes another hit and again and again.

As the hit slowly fade a loud deafening noise fills my ears as shock overfills me.
"Just know their was a reason for all this. For red who was and always will be reds death. He just took one or six or seven for the team. And how about you? You have balls of steel little lady" he says putting the bat infront of me.
I stare at the flood refusing to look at it.

"Look!" He shouts as Daryl lunges at him and takes a swing.
Two men restrain him and pull him back.
"No! No! Oh no. That, oh my! That is a no no. The whole thing! Not one bit of that shit flies here!" He shouts.

"You want me to do it" Dwight asks pointing the cross bow at him.

Now it was my turn to be beyond pissed. I lunge at Dwight and fling him before grabbing Daryl and going back to line.
"What the fuck was that?!" Negan shouts as I sit in my original spot.
"Well answer me!" He shouts in my face.

I think for a second trying to figure out how to stop him from kill us two.
"He's an asset wether you like it or not. Killing him would be useless" I say not making eye contact.

"Now that's a bunch of bull!" He shouts.
"You two are a thing? Damn now it makes sense. You both have enough balls between you to try and attack me after gingers last stand or sitting should I say" he says glancing at the body and then standing up.

"Well you returned to your line, meaning you know your place but still had the audacity to go against the rules... I'll let you two live. You have the balls to do stuff half the people here wouldn't" he says walking off.

"But the rule breaking cannot pass! I told you I would shut that shit down. I don't know what lying bastards you've dealt with in the past but I'm a man of my word!" He says smashing his bat into Glenn's head

"No!!" Maggie screams ripe into the night as he takes another swing.
He stops for a minute and let's Glenn sit up. His eyes popped out and he has a defined line from the bat.

"I-I'll find you" he says before Megan's takes the rest of his swings.
He slowly turns to me as tears stream down my face.
"This ones on your princess. Take a nice look! LOOK!" He shouts as I drop my eyes to his bat.
"You see the follow the rules and no one dies but not all of you will" he says flicking his bat around.

I feel blood splatter on my face as I return my gaze to the ground.
He starts talking to rick and minutes later he's pulling him into the RV.

I start hyperventilating as i stare at the bodies.
Anger, sadness, fear and memories cloud my mind blocking out the outside as it gets worse. A hand grasps mind as I hunch over trying to find air.

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