3.Wake up

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"It's been three days Thea. Your have to wake up... I don't know what to do. Daryl more aggressive and I have only just manage to get Carl to leave your side. Hershel and the girls have basically shut themselves off other then popping in here and I don't know what to do. Loris pregnant and I don't even know if it's mine...which rememinds me that I have to thank you properly when you wake up" I hear though the darkness.

"Mmmhh" I manage to mumble.
"come on, Thea. Wake up"He says rubbing my hand.
"Wake up!" I hear again as I manage to open my eyes.
Everything's glowing and the pain in my head makes it hard to move.
"Morning" I mumble as I glance to the voice and see rick. He flashes me a smile before going off to find hershel.

Slowly I manage to move to a sitting position and stretch my aching limbs. I notice a mirror in the corner of the room and see my heads been stitched up along with a lot of cuts up my arms and I'm all wrapped up like a mummy.
"Thea lay down!" Hershel shouts as he enters the room.
"I'm fine just a headache" I say wincing at his voice.
"Yes I'm afraid to say that won't go for a couple of days thanks to the lack of blood and concussion"
"Understandable" I say as I move and stand up.

"I'm really against this Thea" hershel says behind me for the billionth time as I walk to the front door.
"I need fresh air" I say pushing open the door and walking out to the porch.
I take in the smell of hay and flowers and release it after a couple seconds of bliss.

"That's better" I mumble and watch the group messing with their jobs.
"It hasn't been the same the last couple of days" rick states standing next to me.
"Can you blame it? Both sides of the party's lost a person or people the other day. I apologies if I added to your list of problems" I say smiling.
"It's fine. Just no more running off with my wife" he jokes.

I spent the day catching up with the group. A lot happened since the crash. We have a kid locked in the barn and tomorrow their gonna debate if he'll live or die.
"Thea?" Asks a southern accent from behind.
"Your awake" he says sounding generally happy.
"Yep, woke up this morning" I say smiling.
"I thought I told you not to close ya eyes" he jokes approaching.
"Yeah sorry" I say looking down. "How've you been?"
"Fine just Huntin" he says showing his squirrels in a proud gesture.

"That's good to hear but not what I've been told" I say making him frown as a cheeky grin appears on my face.
"What they say?" He asks.
"Just you've been more grumpy" I say jokingly.
"Well I ain't grumpy"
"You say in a grumpy tone" I snicker. He snorts.
"Whatever, I got something for ya, come on" he say practically dragging me to his tent.
Once we got their he climbs in and stumbles back out with my bow.

"Thank you" I say smiling taking it off his hands.
"Got bored and decided to fetch it for ya" he says rubbing his neck.
"Well that's very nice of you" I say checking it over.
"It's nothing" he says watching me check it.
"Ya should find the kid. He was very worried for ya" he says turning around.
"Thanks again" I sing as I walk away.

"Hey bambi" I chant as I watch him draw under a tree on the edge of the field.
"THEA" he says diving into me.
"I didn't leave your side" he mumbles into my leg.
"I know your dad said. He also mentioned that you didn't sleep" I say looking into the boys eyes.
"Maybe I forgot" he says guilty.
"Do you feel tired now?"
"No" he says before he yawns.
"Okay maybe I am" he mumbles.
"Go on" I say pointing to his tent.
"What about you?"
"I think I'll go to sleep too" I mumble though a yawn. He chuckles walking off as I sit down leaning against the tree Carl was previously at.
"Good night me" I mumble to myself as sleep takes me.

"-anks Carl" I hear a southern accent before I'm lifted up.
I squeak form the sudden movement.
"It's alright just me" Daryl says as I relax a bit into his arms again.
"I though she was going back inside" Carl says walking next to us.
"Ya it's fine we got her and from the looks of it she's fine" he says looking at me. I may not have my eyes open but I can tell when someone's staring.

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