35. The kingdom

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"She's gave herself an eating disorder" the doctor tells us as I hug my belly.
"It's freezing in here" I whisper wrapping myself up. The two men stare down in a top soaked in sweat as I rub my arms.

"Another symptom. You need to work up your immune system, small amounts every time you don't feel full should do it. I don't really know I'm not a specialist in this but it's what the book said" he says and I feel so much more safer then before.
Note of sarcasm.
"I would suggest you two stick together considering we don't know how bad this is" he says and we nod.

"We should get back" Daryl says giving me a hand.
I nod slowly getting off the table and walking out the office.
We round the corner to come face to face with similar faces.
Rose runs up to me and I embrace her as rick gives Daryl a hug.

Slowly we all hug and Daryl takes a step back before grabbing ricks colt.
When did he have time for that?

Rick shakily excepts it and smiles at Daryl then me.
We smile at each other before making our way up to the big house.

"I don't owe you nothing. In fact you owe me for taking in your people" Gregory argues.
"Oh yeah. You were really brave, hiding in here while Sasha and Maggie took care of the attack. Your courage was inspiring" Jesus says.

"Hey don't you work for me? Ain't we friends?" Gregory says back.
"Gregory we already started this"

"You started it"
"We did! And we're gonna win" rick determines.
"These are killers!" Gregory says stubbornly.
"And is this how you want to live? Under their foot? Killing your people?" Rick argues.
"Sometimes we don't choose how we live. Sometimes you have to count the blessing you have" he says with wide eyes.

"How many people can we spare? How many people can fight?" Maggie asks.
"We? I didn't know how many people we have margret and does it matter. I mean what are you gonna do? Start a fight squad? Because that's all we got" he says.

"Your wrong. When people have the chance to do the right thing, they normally step up" I argue standing from the place I was sat.
"Let me stop you their before you break into song" he says putting a hand up.
"You fucking wish" I mumble pacing.
"Who would train this group of cannon fighters?" He asks and many in our group shout out.

"Rhetorical! Okay? I don't wanna know. Don't wanna hear another word of it ever!" He says leaning back.
"Would we be better off without the saviour? Yes or no?" Rick shouts.
"Yeah sure okay?" Gregory admits.
"So what do we do to fix the problem?" Michonne asks.

"I didn't say we had a problem, you did. And what happens outside my pervue stays out of my pervue" he says twisting away from us.
"What the hell man? You iver with us or you ain't. You sitting over their talking though both sides of your mouth!" Daryl shouts.

"I think I've made my position very clear and I will thank you for not being here today. Not having this meeting with me or being seen on the way out" he says as we begin leaving.
We walk out the front door to be met with a bunch of people.

"Hey you probably don't remember me but you saved my life, twice and it's the same with the other people here, Enid said you were going to kill the saviours and that you could show us the way. Is it true?" She asks.
"Yes" Maggie replies.

"Then we're in" the woman at the front says with a smile.

"Still not enough people" Michonne says and I nod.
"Don't need people if we get the right weapons. We could blow them up or set them on fire" Daryl adds.
"You said their were workers right? People forced to be their?" Sasha asks.

"They will be looking for Daryl. We need to get back" rick says and the group nods.
"Or not? I stole a long range radio. Well know when they do" Jesus explains holding it up.
"Then what are we doing here?" Rick asks and Jesus smiles.

Saviours (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now