27.Back to sisters

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"Come on" I whisper making Daryl growl in his slumber.
"I'm gonna go talk to Morgan" I whisper realising he's not getting up.
"Alright" he say realising me and rolling over making me giggle.
"Sleep well boo" I whisper making him snort and sit up.
"Don't call me that" he whispers getting up.
I giggle running down the stairs as he follows slowly.

"Morning Morgan!" I shout and he smiles.
"Good morning pocket" he says making a clear look of confusion spread across ricks face.
"I used to pickpocket" I say rubbing my neck.
"Of course you did" Daryl grumbles with a slightly proud smile.
"So Thea, wheres your sister?" He asks making me look down.

"Oh I'm sorr-"
"Dont. I don't need pity... how have you been?" I ask as rick passes me a bowl of cereal.
"As well as I can be" he says as May, Liam and rose run in.

"I told you!" Rose sings as the other two engulf me in a hug.
"It's nice to have you back" May says trying to act grown up.
"Yeah sorry I didn't say hi last night" I say smiling.
"I understand you were tired" Liam says with a boyish grin.
"Oh morgan this is the three chipmunks. Alvin, Simon and Theodore" I joke. May glares at me before taking a low blow to my stomach.

I bend over in pain and shock of her action.
"May!" Rose shouts moving to my side.
"Seems the chipmunks arnt happy today" I growl as may apologies.
"It's fine. Just no more sneak attacks" I say before turning back to the group.
"That's may, Liam and rose" I say pointing at each kid as they wave to Morgan.
"You remind me of the young Thea. Before she grew up" Morgan says pointing at May.
I snort before a troublesome smile appears on his lips.

"What? I know that look. What have you got?" I ask scared.
"I past your primary school a couple weeks back" he says opening his bag and pulling out a picture.
"You never told me you were a dancer" he says putting the picture on the table.
Instantly I swoop it up and hide it from the curious eyes.

"She never told us either" rick says with a smirk.
"That because I don't dance anymore. Their was no reason to bring it up" I argue as someone snatches it from my hands.
I turn to see Daryl examining the picture with a smile.
"Give it back!" I shout as he holds it up high.

"Heads up rick!" He shouts throwing it to rick.
"No" I shout moving round only for him to lift it up too.
"Don't be shy Thea" he says looking at it.
"I'm not shy, I'm just embarrassed" I grumble as Morgan laughs at me.
"I blame you" I mumble as Daryl wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"Maybe you can put a show on for us" rick jokes.
"Not a chance" I grumble folding my arms.
"We will see" he laughs walking out with Morgan as the kids run off to find their new friends.

I grab my bow as Daryl goes back to eating his cereal.
"I never imagined I would see you eating something that wasn't squirrel or deer" I joke putting the bow on my back.
"Where are you going?" He asks stepping in the way of the door, ignoring my joke.
"I have a job to complete" I mumble.
"Let me grab my bow" he says walking around me and grabbing the crossbow of the side.
"You sure?" I ask rubbing my injured arm.
"Certain" he mumbles.
"You know if Carol saw you crossbow on the table she would of killed the pair of us" I say smiling.
"Another reason to go with Ya" he says with a smirk as we go to make our rounds.

(1 week later)
"Your staying here" Daryl argues.
Most of the fighters in the group are going out to deal with a hord of walkers stuck in a quarry. Our scout said that the only thing keeping them their was some trucks that were blocking the entrances but they looked like they very fragile and could fall any minute.
Daryl was against me going because of my injury and the doctor saying that their could be muscle damage, which made his argument stronger.

"The kids need ya. Your our last defence if anything happens. Stay. Here" he commands moving to standing directly infront of me.
"Fine but any sign of danger I want you to get them out and don't get bitten" I say finally giving in.
"You guys Obviously need to get to know each other more if you think Daryl's gonna be bitten" rick says as he walks past.
"I know, I just worry. I mean it's my job after all" I explain with a soft smile.
"We'll be safe" Daryl says lifting my head up and giving me a soft goodbye kiss.
"We should do that more often" I whisper as he pulls back.
"Yeah, I just don't want to rush ya" he whispers making me smile.
"I know. Try be home soon. I think I'll burn the house down if your not standing their with a fire extinguisher" I joke remembering a couple days ago where I nearly set fire to the house.

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