Side Story-The Birth Of A Soldier

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Hello everyone. Finally we have Cap's backstory. Which is sadly the last one these side stories(for now). I hope you enjoy it (:
Steven POV
Being a soldier means that you have a duty to uphold. A duty that involves doing everything you can to protect the people of your country, and your loved ones. But there are times in a soldier's life where you end up failing to protect someone you care about. My story begins when I was 4 years old.

Flashback twelve years ago...
Today is my fourth birthday, the day that I'll finally be able to get my quirk and become a hero.

"Well ma'am, I'm afraid I've only got two pieces of bad news for you. Would you like the lesser of the two first?" The doctor asks

"Oh my...well I guess I'd prefer the lesser first" my mother says

"Your son is quirkless" he says

I lose my excited look and gain a confused one.

"Quirkless? But my husband and I both have quirks!"she says

"There are times where a child won't gain any genetic heritage from their parents when it comes to their quirk" he says

"Well...what's the worse news?" She asks

"While I was looking for your son's quirk, I stumbled upon something else. Ma'am, I'm afraid your son also has Osteogenesis imperfecta. Otherwise known as brittle bone disease. Your son won't really be able to do much of anything the requires hard labor, that includes being a hero. I recommend that you go and see your doctor after this" he says

"I can't be a hero?" I ask my mother

"Oh Steven...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" my mother says while hugging me

Eight years later...
It's been about 8 years since I was diagnosed as quirkless and diagnosed with brittle bone disease. I've been having regular checkups with my doctor, but nothing has changed. I've still got my heart set on becoming a hero and I don't that that'll ever change.

"Hello again Steven" my interviewer says to me

"Hello again sir" I say

In America, there is a program you can sign up for when you turn 12 that lets you get early training for your quirk until you get into a hero school. But it's extremely hard for you to get accepted. Ever since I turned 12 I've been signing up to be accepted.

"Steven, how many times do I have to tell you that due to your condition, we can't be allowed to accept you?" He asks

"Until I get into a hero school, sir" I say

"I see, then I guess I'll see you again next month" he says

He then stamps "rejected" on my paper and I take it and get up. I leave the room and make my way out of the building.

"Sigh...I'll get it next time" I say to myself

Out if the corner of my eye I see someone messing with a lady.

"Hey pal, leave her alone" I say to the guy

The guy turns around and looks at me for a moment. Next thing I know I'm on the ground and get kicked in the stomach.

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