Part Fifty Eight-Unexpected Complications

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Hello everyone. I apologize for hyper focusing on this story and not updating my other ones, I'm just really inspired to write this book right now. Also, I'm case you haven't realized, we're going into the Iron Man 3 plot. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter (:

Ryuji POV
I park the car and put on the cowboy hat that was in the car. I slowly walk over to the news van and I grab some wires to make myself blend in more. When nobody is looking I get into the back of the van. I take out the laptop and connect it to the satellite.

"Well that's just not gonna work with me" I say while looking at the low connection speed

Suddenly the door opens.

"We talked about this" a person with what looks like a cyclops eye quirk says

He then looks at me.

"Excuse me sir, I don't know who you are" he says

I slowly turn wound and put my finger to my lips.

"Shhh" I say

His eyes then widen and he starts to smile. I give him a smile back.

"Mom I need to call you back. Something magical is happening" he says

He puts his phone and away and starts to freak out with excitement.

"Ryuji Takashi is in my van!" He says

"Shhh. You need to keep it down" I say

"Ryuji Takashi is in my van!" He says a bit louder

"No, he's not" I say

"I knew you were still alive!" He says

"Come on in. Close the door" I whisper

He quickly gets into the van and closes the door.

"Wow. Uh, can I just say sir..." he says

"Go ahead" I say

"I'm like your biggest fan" he says

"Okay. First, is this your van? Is anyone else gonna come in?" I ask

"No, no, no. Just us" he says

"Great, what's your name?" I ask while standing up

"Gary" he says

"Hello Gary" I say while shaking his hand

"Oh wow" he says

"It's okay, I get this a lot" I say

"Can I just say?" He asks

"Yeah, go ahead" I say

"I don't know if you can tell, but I patterned my whole look after you" he says

He takes off his hat and I see that his hairstyle is the same as mine.

"Probably not the best to model your look after a sixteen year old but I'll take it" I say

"It's not right, 'cause there's no product in it" he says

"It's fine" I say

He then puts his hat back on.

"I don't want to make things awkward for you, but I do have to show you..boom!" He says

He rolls up his sleeve and I see that he got a tattoo of my face.

"A young, Robert Downy jr...Oh I'm sorry, is that me?" I ask

"Yeah!" He says

"Ok then...Kinda weird to get a tattoo of a sixteen year old on you arm but I'll take it" I think

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