Part Eighty Five-Heroes, Assemble!

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Hello everyone! I've got something really special in store for y'all! As well as an announcement I'll make at the end of the chapter! So stay tuned and I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:
Ryuji POV
"Let's go and destroy these villain bastards!" Katsuki says

"You know we will. We've gotta end this before it even begins!" Kirishima declares

As we all stand in anticipation as we wait for All For One to appear, I run one final diagnostic on my All-For-One buster...shorter name still in the works.

"All systems are in perfect condition. You could not be more ready than you currently are, sir" Arvin says

"Here goes nothing...let's hope I don't die from this. Or else I'll curse both All Might and Detective Tsukauchi" I think

We all wait in anticipation, some making weary chat while others stand in silence. Preparing themselves for the battle to come.

"You think the plan'll really work?" Toru asks me

"I'm sure it'll all go great. For once, we've actually got somewhat of an upper hand on All For One here" I try to reassure her

"Be safe, Ryuji. Last time we had a big fight like this..." she says

"I disappeared for a bit and went to New York. But don't worry, you just worry about keeping that face of yours pretty" I smirk

"Gosh...I still find it hard to believe you actually saw a glimpse of my face" she blushes

"Probably the best thing to come out of that whole ordeal" I say

As I think about when we all found out about Aoyama being a traitor, I think back to the plan All Might and Detective Tsukauchi told all of us...

"We know All For One too well. The odds of the search effort locating him were always slim" All Might says

"That's what Bakugo's been saying..." Kaminari deadpans

"But hearing it from these guys hits different though..." Sato sulks

"So this was all pointless?" Mineta asks

"Not at all, it's all linked to Erasurehead's plan" Tsukauchi says

"In order to lure the sneakiest, craftiest cowards out from the shadows, one has to force them to loosen up and relax" All Might says

"Sadly I don't think All For One would be up for a Detroit Massage" I say

"Like "Even our desperate search couldn't locate those pieces of crap! Screw this!" And whatnot...As if that's our situation?" Katsuki says

"Those are definitely two interpretations..." Sero deadpans

"Our plan assumes that they're employing the "Search" quirk. And can therefore track every move our people made" Tsukauchi says

"If only I knew more about this quirk, then just maybe I could make something to counter its effects" I think

"Everything we've done since Midoriya's return makes them think we're exhausted and panicking. It will embolden them to see us making one wrong move after another, playing right into their hands. And then, Erasurehead came up with that plan. To raise our odds of luring All For One to a location of our choosing by using his infiltrator, Aoyama" Tsukauchi says

"OH! So Aoyama's coming back to us?!" Izuku asks

All Might nods in response.

"Hmmm...I've still got mixed feelings" I say

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