Part Fifty Five-The Fourth Mission

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Ryuji POV
It's been a few days and after trying to get my money back but ultimately failing, sneaking out and visiting Toru for the holidays, and watching over two six year olds. The day of the mission has arrived.
(A.N. I'll make a Christmas special on Christmas so be ready for that)

"Alright team, santa brought us a gift and it's called out final mission for now. Suit up and head to the jet" Cap says to us

"Finally! Let's hope that this mission doesn't go south" I say

"We're up against quite the opponent. So
I know that this won't be easy" Kris says

"Frost really doesn't hold back on us. Sending us after a highly dangerous assassin that's taken down multiple pro heroes, I don't have a lot of faith in us" Logan says

"Come on now, no need to be such a Debbie downer about it! Just think of this as a test of our skills" I say

"Yeah, a test where if we fail, we die" he says

"I'm sure we'll be fine, especially with our secret weapon" I say

"We have a secret weapon?" Yami asks

I then look at him with a straight face.

"Wait...I'm the secret weapon?!" He exclaims

"Of course! While you're not really a secret, you're definitely a weapon" I say

We all suit up and head to the jet. We set the coordinates for Oakland California and the jet takes off.

"So Cap, do you have a plan for when we find this chick?" I ask

"It all depends on where we find her. If she's in the city we'll have a bit harder of a time than if she's in a less populated area" he says

"Let's just hope that she didn't go into San Francisco" Logan says

"That would be one of the worst case scenarios" Nadia says

"Well whatever the situation is, we need to be really careful about how we go about fighting her. I don't want any of us getting killed" Yami says

"Well I don't really want to die either, especially in a situation like this. I can only imagine how brutal it would be" I say with a shudder

"Then how would you want to die? Personally, I'd want to go down in a blaze of glory! Fighting the toughest enemy I've ever fought!" Kris says

"I'm not surprised" Logan says

"Well I'd rather not die in a fight at all. But if I had to choose how I died, that's not from old age, I'd probably choose some sort of self sacrifice that's for the greater good" I say

"How noble" Nadia says

"Even dead, I'm the hero" I say

"We'll put that on your tombstone" Logan jokes

"Ha! I'm gonna out live all of you! Then we'll see who's laughing!" I say

5 hours later...
We've arrived in Oakland and we land the jet in a proper landing zone.

"You know, the Chabot Space and Science Center is here, and I've always wanted to see it in person" I say

"We're not here on a tourist trip, we're here to find a highly dangerous criminal" Nadia says

"Alright team, gather up. It says here that her last known location was the Chabot Space and Science Center so that's where we'll be going first" Cap says

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