Part Fifty Six-Stranded

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Ryuji POV
I slowly wake up and it feels like I'm flying through the air.

"Ugh...Arvin, what happened?" I ask

I get no response.

"Arvin, you there?" I ask

I still don't get a response

"Dammit, he must be offline. Let's go over what I remember, first I was with my team and we had successfully taken Silk Step until she broke the cuffs and set off a detonator. I then ended up getting stuck underwater and getting knocked out. Now I'm here flying in the air on autopilot" I say to myself

I try to pull of my location and a way to contact my team, but it seems like only my thruster functions and autopilot are working.

"Well, at least it's better than nothing" I say

Just then, my thrusters turn off and I go barreling into the snow. I quickly get out of my suit and into the cold.

"Well, now I'm stuck in a snowy forest, at night, with no way to contact anyone. And all I have on me is $100 and a broken suit. How could things get any worse?" I say

I then starts to snow and gradually, it starts to get faster and slowly turn into a small blizzard. I stand up and gather my suit so that I can carry it.

"Ok, let's go and see if we can find civilization and not die of hypothermia" I say

I start to make my way through the snow in hopes of finding a town or something. After a bit of walking, I'm luckily able to find what looks like a closed or abandoned gas station. I rush over to the building and I see that there's a statue with a blanket on it.

"Sorry buddy, but I need this much more than you do" I say

I take off the blanket and wrap it around myself. I then see a telephone box.

"Damn am I ever glad to see this old technology" I say

I got over to the both booth and luckily it accepts bills.

"Well damn...the only phone number I know off the top of my head is Toru's...and I don't think that'll help me right now. But maybe I should give her a call anyways" I think

I put some money in and dial her number but it goes straight to voicemail because of the old technology.

"Hey Toru, it's me. I probably won't be able to contact you, or anyone, for a bit. I've managed to get myself in quite the situation so if I don't call you for a while...I'm sorry. I'm sure that I'll be able to get out of this situation alive and ok, but on the off chance that I don't...just know that I love you. I've gotta go and try to find a way to fix up my suit...bye" I say

I hang up the phone and look at the road ahead.

"Let's hope that my message actually reaches Japan. Though even if it does make it, it'll probably be a few hours from now" I say

I then start to make my way up the road. After a bit of walking, I start to feel super tired.

"Dammit, already on the second stage. How have no cars come up this road?!" I say

I continue walking on while fighting to stay awake. A while later I manage to see a town in the distance.

"Finally! Some good luck" I say

I speed up my walking in order to get to the town faster. When I arrive in the town I wander the streets in hope of finding some kind of auto repair shop.

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