Part Seventy Nine-Rock Bottom

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Hello everyone! I am SUPER sorry for the wait for this chapter! This story is just in a weird place in the manga and all that. After this chapter, I will be going back to older chapters and rewriting them, some just slightly but others might have big changes in them. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

P.S. I've hopefully got something awesome on the way soon! Can't wait to show you all once I've got it!
Ryuji POV
"Tin Can, tell us where that damned Deku is" Katsuki says to me in an unusually serious voice

Pause for a second.

"What? Why would you think I know where that idiot is?" I ask

"Don't play dumb with me! We all know you've got something to hide, you always do!" He says

"Back off Katsuki, I'm tired and just wanna go to my roo-" I'm cut off

"Ryuji, please just tell us. I know you don't want him to be out there basically alone either" Toru says

"If you actually don't know, then please, at least help us look for him" Kirishima says

"Ryuji...Do you know how to find Deku?" Uraraka asks me in a surprised and slightly betrayed voice

I look around at everyone as they stare at me.

"I...I do" I give in and admit to it

Everyone looks at me shocked.

"And you were just not gonna tell us?!" Ashido asks

"Not cool man..." Kirishima says

"He didn't want me to say anything to you guys. At first, he wanted my help in his little escapade. Not that long ago, while I was heading over to his old hideout while Uraraka and I were gone, he left a note saying that he no longer wants my help and that he managed to destroy the tracker in the upgraded suit I made him" I say

"Midoriya..." Iida says

"I want to go after him, but I know that he'll do anything to keep all of us safe and away from that All For One business. And honestly, if I was him...I'd do the same thing" I say

"Ryuji...We aren't weak kids anymore. We've all gotten so much stronger" Toru says

"I know, that's what I told him while trying to beat him up while I was annoyed" I say

"So, will you help us?" Tokoyami asks

I think for a moment.

"No...No I won't" I say

"Why not?!" Yaoyarozu asks

"Like I said, I understand how he's feeling. Besides, he's strong, so much stronger than any of us. I'll be honest, if we all took him on together and he seriously fought back...I really think we'd lose" I say

"Deku wouldn't fight us...right?" Uraraka asks

"Who cares if he does or not. If he does, we'll just have to beat the shit out of him and bring him back here by force! With or without your help, Tin Can!" Katsuki says

"If you guys are serious about getting him back...Let me give you a hint. Go and find either Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, or All Might. Find one of them, you'll find Izuku" I say

"I knew my father had something to do with this..." Todoroki says

"As well as my master" Tokoyami says

"Let's do it. Let's get Deku back" Uraraka says determined

And so, they all form a plan to have Nezu get Endeavor into his office so that they can squeeze information outta him. As they are discussing, I slip away and head to my room.

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