Part Seventy Eight-Mission Complete

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Ryuji POV
"Good luck out there Uraraka, and remember to contact me at even the slightest sight of Adhar" I say

"Understood, but please make sure to contact me as well if you see him" she says

"I could definitely take him on myself" I say with a smirk

"I'm serious, Ryuji" she says

"I know, I know. I will" I say

And with that, the two of us fly out of the sunroof and go our separate directions.

"Arvin, make sure to keep an extra eye on Uraraka for me. I can't have her getting killed..." I say

"I will sir" he says

I eventually arrive at the building where the suspected car is parked in the parking lot and wait until someone comes out to the car.

"Arvin, give me a closer look at that guy coming out" I say

"Right away sir" he says

I get a closer look and see that it's Adhar himself walking to the car.

"Heh, looks like I got lucky and found him" I say

I then get a thought.

"I wonder why he was in that building?" I say

I look at the building and see nothing that stands out about it.

"Arvin, give me information about that building" I say

"Well sir, this is a rival technology business to your parent's company. They aren't well known, but they've recently been setting their goal on alternative energy" he says

"Isn't that interesting" I say

I remember this place and make a mental note to investigate these people at a later time. I then look back to Adhar who's about to get into his car.

"Welp, let's get started" I say while powering up

"Wait sir, I thought you were gonna contact Uraraka if you found him?" Arvin says

"Arvin...while I appreciate her gesture in trying to help me feel better about Midnight's death and all that. But there are just some wounds that words alone can't heal" I say

"Sir, I'm sorry but I'm going to contact-" I cut Arvin off

"Arvin, don't. I need to do this stuff on my own, I'm not letting another person I care about get hurt or worse, die because of me" I say in a serious tone

"Yes...sir" he says

"I'm sorry Arvin, but I just can't let anything happen to those I care about" I say

I then fly above Adhar and drop onto the ground behind him.

"Alright Adhar, let's end this peacefully" I say while aiming my repulsors at him

"What the?! Who are you?! My name isn't Adhar, I don't know who you're talking about! Go away so that I can go home!" He shouts

"You mean to tell me that you're not Adhar Anand? The famous hitman who stole a bunch of valuable recourses from government trucks?" I say

"Government trucks? Look man, I don't know what you're talking about, now get the hell out of here" he says while turning back around and going to get in his car

"Sigh...Guess we are doing this the hard way" I say

I blast his car and it goes crashing to the side.

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