Part Seventy-Rise Above The Disaster

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Steven POV
I make my way over to where Nadia is interrogating Logan. I open the door and see her standing there.

"It's time to go" I say

"Go where?" She asks

"I'll tell you on the way. Can you control one of the jets?" I ask

"I can" a familiar voice says

I look and see Logan come out of the provided bathroom. I look back to Nadia and she gives me a nod.

"Suit up" I say

"Yes, sir" they say

Kristoffer POV
I look around at where I am. I then look down at my boots.

"Busted...That means I can't fly out of here" I say

I then remember something.

"My father can fly with his hammer...but, I still don't think I'm worthy of it. But if I'm going to beat my brother, I'm going to need it" I say

I pick up my sword and sheath it on my back. I then hold out my hand and await Mjolnir. Eventually, I can see it in the distance and it eventually lands into my hands. I then raise it to the sky and lightning crackles around. I then twirl it around super fast and take off into the sky.

Yami POV
I wake up and find myself crashed inside a greenhouse.

"Hey there boy, I see that you're awake" someone says

I look and see an old man handing me clothes. I look down and see that I'm almost fully naked.

"Th-Thank you! I am so sorry for this destruction, I'll be sure to properly make up for it!" I say while taking the clothes

"Eh, don't worry about it. It'll just finally give me something to do during my retirement. You can keep the clothes, they used to belong to my son" he says

"Th-Thank you..." I say

"So, tell me. What happened to you?" He asks

" put it simply, I lost my temper and my quirk took over" I say

"You got anyone looking for you?" He ask

"Sigh...I'm not sure. I was with my friends when it happened. I ended up attacking them so I'm not sure if they wanna see me" I say

"Kid, let me tell you something. If they truly are your friends, then they'll accept you when you go back. No matter what" he says

"But...I messed up so badly" I say

"Then make it up to them. Be there for them when they need you" he says

"Y-You're right....Thank you sir" I say

"Now get out of here. You're crushing my plants" he says

"S-Sorry sir!" I say

I quickly get out of the greenhouse and to the outside.

"Time to somehow get to New York fast enough" I say

"I've got just the thing" the old man says

I look and see the old man with a moped.

Ryuji POV
I finish up making some quick repairs to my suit. As Cap and the others are taking a jet, I take off into the sky and make my way over to the Takashi Industries tower in New York. I have to sometimes stop myself from falling since my suit is still damaged.

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