Part Twenty Five-The Big Three

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Hello everyone. I think I'm gonna start updating at least every other day instead of trying to update every day if that's ok with you all. I'm just super busy with school and such that I never have the perfect moment to write an at least 2000 word chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Ryuji POV
Iida is currently making our class waking in a single file line...and it's really ticking me off.

"Listen up everyone! Stay in like and move promptly to the grounds!" Iida directs us

"You're the one who's not in line" Sero says

Iida then freezes

"The dilemma of a class rep" Iida says distraught

"Hey Ryu" Toru says from behind me

"What's up?" I ask

Just wanted to check up on you, you seem kinda down" she says

"Oh I'm fine. Just one of those days" I say

"Well maybe we can hang out a bit after school...if you don't mind of course" she nervously says

"I'd like that. Thanks Toru" I smile

Our class continues to walk and we end up bumping into that weird blonde kid from class 1-B.

"I heard, Class A-" I cut him off

"Oh god I am not in the mood for this" I complain

I step out of line and continue walking.

"Takashi! Please get back in line!" Iida exclaims

"Sorry Iida, I'll take your verbal scolding later" I say as I continue on

As I'm walking, I end it bumping into a familiar purple haired brainwasher

"Well well well. Haven't you bulked up quite a bit" I say

Shinso looks at me for a moment

"Couldn't say the same for you" he say

"Oh aren't you funny. I don't need big muscles to beat you guys. I've got something called a brain" I smirk

"Clearly" he sysd

We head to the field where I regroup with my classmates and the teachers are waiting for us.

"Hey! The small mammal you all love, the principal!" Nezu says,"Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in's hard for me to take care of. This is something you can say about humans, too. Even if you have a perfectly healthy life style the most important thing has to be sleep. Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst for your fur." Nezu says

"Is he really gonna keep talking about how to live properly?" Kaminari says

"It sure sounds like it..." Sero says

I zone out for a bit as I think about the fight between Bakugo and Midoriya.

"The loss of a pillar" Nezu says

I snap back into focus once I hear that

"The effects of that incident have appeared faster than I could have imagined. There will probably be great chaos in society in the near future. In particular, this will be the most apparent to those of you in the hero course. You must approach activities outside of school, like the hero work studies that mainly second and third years participate in, with a greater sense of caution" Nezu says

"Hero studies?" Ashido says

"Is that like the next step of the internships?" Tsu says

"Aizawa is probably gonna explain it to us in class" I say

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