Part Seventy Three-A New Goal

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Ryuji POV
It's been a day since my meeting with Izuku. I've given him his suit upgrades and got his secure bank account set up. I made sure that there was no way to reveal that it belonged to Midoriya and that it couldn't be traced back to me.

"I never thought that he'd ever do something like this" I say to myself as I get ready to go back to U.A

"Well sir, these are uncertain times" Arvin says

"Thats putting to lightly. I saw Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist's little interview. And let me tell you, the world really is slowly going to hell. Which is why I've been thinking, I've got my priorities all mixed up. I've been worrying about quickly upgrading my gear so that I can protect people once I've graduated. When I should be worrying about how I can protect people now!" I say

"Are you talking about project Alpha, sir?" He asks

"That's right! I really think I need to start shifting my priorities around a bit. Since New York I've had this feeling in the back of my mind that we aren't prepared for anything. We may think that we're ready to protect ourselves, but Leander proved just how easily we could be taken down. I really think that Alpha could be a huge step forward when it comes to this world's protection" I say

"I can give you a progress report on Alpha when we get back to U.A" he says

"Do just that, we'll be slowing down the progress on my nanotech but I think it'll be worth it" I say

I finish getting ready for U.A and start making my way to Toru's house.

"Arvin, give Toru a call" I say

"Right away, sir" he says

A few rings later, Toru picks up.

"Heya Ryu!" She says

"Hey Toru, I'm about to come by your place so that we can head back to U.A" I say

"I was just about to start heading there myself. The only reason I'm not there now is because they let me be at home for my mental health..." she says

"Oh...uh...Sorry about that" I awkwardly apologize

"It's okay. I'm fine now that you're back" she says

"Well I'll meet you halfway" she says

"Alright! Love you!" She says

"Love you too" I say

I hang up and continue making my way to our meetup point. I eventually see Toru walking across a crosswalk. A smirk goes across my face and I catcall whistle at her.

(This kind of whistle)

"Aren't you looking good today! Well, you look good everyday but today you look extra good" I say

"Ryuji! Stop being so loud! You're embarrassing me and people are staring" she embarrassedly says

"So what? They're just jealous that I've got something like you in my life" I say

"J-Jeez...Someone is in a good mood today" she says

"Well, seeing you improves my day tremendously" I say

"G-Gosh...I see that being missing hasn't changed you're attitude" she says

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