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why did you come back?...norman!

norman braced himself for an earful from ray and emma, just as you had advised earlier.  he had told you earlier that he’ll tell everything to the two and forbid you to be present. your fever has already gone down, but norman didn’t want you to strain yourself, especially after mama had attempted to hide you.

“more importantly, listen to me. we have no time. i have to give a quick report of my investigation inline to what y/n had told me.”

“y/n told you what?” but norman ignored ray’s surprise and hurried to explain everything: the cliff, the layout of the farm, and the perfect spot he found to use for their escape. norman couldn’t help but grin in satisfaction with you in his mind.

“if you all plan to escape, do it through here,” norman said while pointing to a certain spot rather than the bridge he saw.

“and what’s this about y/n?” ray pressed.

“ah, right.” norman smiled at the two. “she was the one who told me about this, i just confirmed it with my own two eyes.”

he narrated everything you told him in exact detail, not missing a single thing, and by the time he was finished, a knock on the door pierced the thick silence. norman sighed, it’s finally time to go. he’d be lying if he said he was ready, but he got up and put on his coat anyway.

“you can have this back.” the platinum blonde held out the device ray worked so hard for years to make. “i haven’t used it.”

“you…” ray exclaimed, at loss for words as norman’s statement made him stop and think. he could care less about the kids you said norman would save. however, emma trusted you and wanted to save as many kids as possible.

but emma still felt hesitant in letting norman go, seen by her strong grip on norman as he dived in their arms for one last hug.

“thank you for everything, but i won’t say goodbye because i believe we’ll meet each other soon.” norman let go and headed for the door while emma and ray watched him with hesitation and worry swimming in their eyes.

“one last thing,” norman turned back to his friends with his eyes lingering longer on ray. “trust y/n, so don’t be angry with her okay? i chose to believe in her. don’t let mama get her, she will be our key to survive.”

if you said this story is bound to a happy ending, then norman will hold you on to that.


to your surprise, the scene where emma attempted to stop did not happen. even ray who stayed originally in the infirmary, stayed to send norman off with a grit of his teeth. the glare he kept on his face scared you enough to not stand next to him.

gilda and don were kind to support your still weak body. to your surprise, you felt emma’s cold and trembling hand intertwine with yours so hard you felt your fingers would break any moment.

“norman believes in you, and so do i. so please let me hold you or else i would run to stop him,” emma whispered with tears streaming down her face. seeing someone who resembles the sun cry made squeezed your heart, and tears you’ve been holding back spilled.

how many times have i cried, i wonder?

and just like that, norman was gone.

without any knowledge of the truth, the kids went back to their usual lives. gilda and don assisted you back to the separate room mama kept you in to avoid infecting the other kids with emma who refused to let go of your hand in tow. you four passed by ray who had an expression you can’t quite figure out. mustering whatever's left of your courage, you stopped in front of him.

“ray,” you called, your voice trembling. you reached out, already expecting the rejection, but to your surprise, his hand shot out to grab yours and he pulled you to him.

“ray? i’m sorry,” you wailed but he only shushed you and stroked your hair tenderly.

“rest because we’ll need you fully recovered for our escape.” this only made you cry harder and louder, and ray waited for you to calm down, never letting go.

the three watched your exchange with tears streaming down their cheeks, a development you’ve never seen in the anime or manga. to your siblings who watched the scene unfold would never have guessed the real reason for your five’s tears.

but isabella knew better. she had been keeping a lookout on you ever since you teamed up with the three full-scorers. it was a surprise to her that emma, the naive and reckless type out of the three, did absolutely nothing but watch as norman—the person she's closest with, get taken. it was as if she knew what would happen to norman.

and isabella suspects it had to do with you. just who are you?

furthermore, the frail boy—with complete trust in you, smiled instead of looking surprised the moment he met the man in the room isabella brought him into. i’m ready, he thought after hiding his smile, but the adult didn't miss his smile that lacked concern.

with her face grim, isabella said nothing. after all, what could norman do now? but the uncertainty kept on haunting isabella. nevertheless, she stuck with her decision and let it go.



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i'm learning japanese!
but i forget easily so i suck.
also i finished this book i
was working on so i think
i can focus on this, it's
almost the end ♥ i had to
read the manga again to
remember the scenes

as always, proofread!

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