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two months now passed, and it was finally time for the escape. january 14, 2046. with your outdoor shoes ready, you waited for emma's scream of anguish and for the fire to start.

with isabella's eyes on you, emma advised that you do nothing and that you all avoid each other to not arouse suspicion. you've tried to tell ray about norman's plan. emma knew ray was clueless and tried to help you in telling him, but with isabella's strict supervision, you cannot talk freely. the adult even went as far as to put you in a separate room.

these past months, you've barely talked to any of them, even your siblings who were busy getting ready. it was only a miracle that you weren't shipped off these past two months. in the first place, you had no idea of the date since isabella hasn't reached out to you to discuss it any further. you could only guess that your shipment date is the same as ray. though you do not know she only planned to get rid of you for good. isabella had a feeling that you didn't belong in grace field, and it was better to pluck you out before things get worse.

you jolted out of your thoughts the moment you felt a weak tug at the hem of your skirt. phil.

you crouched down to meet the boy's eyes. fear swam in his blue eyes, but he put on a brave front. wordlessy, you trapped phil in your arms. the said boy trembled, and it took everything in you to not squeeze him too tight. no matter how smart he may be, phil is a small boy. you hated the idea of leaving him alone, especially with the knowledge of the orphanage's truth.

"trust us. we'll come back, and you'll live and grow up into whatever you want to be." you felt phil's tiny hands grab a fistful of your shirt, wrinkling its previously smooth fabric. he trembled slightly due to the effort of preventing his tears.

you two separated, albeit unwillingly, and the fire started. you nodded at gilda, and you all ran downstairs. on the way, you met isabella.


"y/n, gilda! lead your siblings outside! please take care of the little ones in my bedroom too!"

"of course!" gilda answered.

feeling adrenaline rush into you, everything you did became far from acting. the worried expression and the feeling of anxiousness and fear are all real. you and gilda wasted no time and led all of your siblings outside. as the fire raged on, you all immediately ran to the forest near the wall to wait for emma.

upon arriving, you were met with a confused ray. when his eyes met yours, the ravenette immediately ran to meet you halfway.

your face scrunched once he was near. "ray, you smell strongly of fuel." it was a fact you would never have known but could only guess unless you were really in the actual scenario.

"nevermind that, what's happening?"

"gee, and i thought you were smart," you teased. "we're escaping, silly."

ray's mouth gaped, unsure of what to ask first but eventually settling on one. "you knew but you never told me?"

"i was! but with mama's close supervision, i couldn't get close to any of our siblings, how much more with you and emma?" you pouted. ray noticed how jittery you were despite the smile adorning your face. he soon realized you were hiding your anxiousness with a smile, and it prompted him to ask you whether everything will be alright.

"yes, i believe so," you answered almost immediately, but judging by the frown on ray's face, your answer didn't make him feel at ease. you rolled your eyes at the face he was making, "can't a girl who isekai'd be nervous? everything turns different once you're actually in it."

despite being confused by the term you just used, ray shut up and instead reached his hand to touch your ear that was covered with a bandage. you haven't even thought how the transmitter found itself in your ear until anna took them from you earlier.

"emma will be here soon," you muttered more to yourself as you find ray's touch comforting.

seeing the ravenette alive calmed your rapidly thumping heart. judging by the slight redness of his cheek, emma must've smacked him across the face, and you couldn't help but laugh out loud. a surge of emotion overtook you, and you weren't sure whether you were frightened or happy, but the surrealness of the escape made you feel high.

you turned to anna, ignoring ray's questions-which in turn, irked the boy. "is everything all set?" you asked and a chorus of yes from the kids rang out. you nodded at them with a smile, "now we wait for emma."

despite ray's attempts at getting your attention, you only gave him a smile and proceeded to talk with the kids, reassuring them that everything will be fine. all you could think about now was to get the hell out of grace field as fast as you can. you couldn't fathom how norman created such a brilliant plan. the first time you learned of it, goosebumps appeared all over your body. now that you're actually experiencing it, you are not quite sure what you felt; you were happy, but also anxious, and also scared, but you were excited as well.

thankfully, before your worries could take over every emotion you are feeling, emma safely arrived at where you all are all the while clutching onto where her ear was supposed to be.

"sorry for the wait guys!" emma turned to lock eyes with you and sent the brightest smile she could muster. you returned her smile as if telling the orange-haired girl that you all will be free soon.

"it's time guys! to the wall!"

as you ran together with your siblings, you heard ray ask don about the other kids' knowledge of the plan since you ignored him earlier. you couldn't help but grin at his shock, norman is truly amazing.

once you've reached the walls, you hastily stood beside emma in hopes of seeing a mirage of norman just like in the anime. alas, none of that happens, but with the somber smile emma had on her lips, it was enough for you to know that norman somehow showed himself to the girl.

"it's alright emma, let's get out of here and meet norman," you whispered reassuringly. grateful, emma squeezed your hand and with a firm nod, ordered the kids to start climbing the wall.

you offered a hand to ray who accepted it without saying anything. once he was up, he looked around and realized something, or rather some kids were missing. he tugged at your hand he was still holding, his face troubled.

"the youngest ones aren't here...? don't tell me..."

you bit your lip while your grip on his hand tightened. slowly and regretfully-despite knowing they'll be safe-you nodded.

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- i get scared reading
y'alls comments skdksd
this blew up and i'm just
an ass writer so i don't
want you to expect much
😔 but anyways, proofread
as usual! don't afraid to
point out mistakes!

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