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さようなら今のところ ⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦

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it was obvious they were getting desperate, who wouldn't when one of them is going to get shipped? however, norman wasn't having any of their outrageous ideas.

if he hides and disguises it as his escape, there was no guarantee they would be able to deal with added security. there was also the claim of breaking their bones or getting sick to avoid shipment in his place, something that norman would never allow.

"you both are nuts!" he exclaimed as they continued to blurt out outrageous ideas that involved them getting hurt.

"anything is better than you dying norman!" emma exclaimed. "didn't you say norman?"

let's all escape from this place.

he did remember, and when emma grabbed him whilst exclaiming she wanted him to be a part of that all, he was almost swayed. too bad, after the conversation he had with you, he could only painfully lie about his agreement.

they went over the plan on norman's supposed-to-be escape, and when they were done, ray asked the one thing that norman would want to avoid at all cost. he still hadn't decided whether to tell them, and if he did, how much would he tell emma and ray? will they even allow him to be separated from them?

"what did you and y/n talk about last time?"

speaking of y/n, ray thought, did that idiot's fever go down? where is she anyway?

a visible frown made its way to his lips at the unsettling feeling in his gut. to his dismay, norman avoided the question.

"everything will be fine," norman smiled. ray could see his friend wasn't faking it, in fact he looked at ease, and so he let it slide.

norman called him and what he asked was something ray expected would come up sooner or later.

"ray, when and how did you find out about the secret of this house?"

emma's eyes widened, as if she haven't thought of the question fired at ray. the ravenette in question showed a confident smirk, "oh, about that...well..." he trailed off and stared them dead in the eye. "i knew from the beginning."

"huh?" his two friends titled their heads in confusion and without missing a beat, ray revealed his memories go way back to when he was still an infant.

listening to ray as he went on, emma and norman couldn't help the obvious horror that struck their faces. ray was alone with the horrible knowledge that the reality they were living in was a big fat lie. given how young ray still was, it made emma wish he remained ignorant, but she knew if it weren't for the ravenette, they wouldn't have even the slightest clue on what's actually going on behind the scenes.

"that's all there is to it," ray concluded with a shrug, as if he were just telling them something casual.

what do you mean that's all? emma thought. hearing him talk like what he just experienced was no big deal when in fact he had been suffering alone for the past years. however, ray showed no signs of getting bother and instead, proceeded to summarize everything about the security of grace field.

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