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行方不明の家     ⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦  

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phil's amazing despite being young, and here i am, you thought to yourself dejectedly after emma reminded you that it wasn't actually her that found william minerva. you almost forgot about that seemingly small but important detail that told you there was something more to phil than just being a cute side character.

"won't be too long now," you muttered as you watched the trio realizing that don and gilda were nowhere to be seen.

"wait...where's don and gilda?!"

they searched for other rooms but still found no signs of the two.

"they probably didn't listen to me." the trio turned to you, and as if a cold bucket of water was poured onto them, the trio became horrified.

"god damn it!" ray whispered.

it wasn't long before don and gilda appeared, much to emma's relief. ray immediately began firing questions but was stopped by norman. you turned to the kids watching and offered them a smile.

"come on! let's finish the preparations so we can eat!" the kids chorused their agreement with glee. you gave the kids one last smile before turning to don and gilda. you were frustrated at them and understood why ray was angry at them. thankfully, you weren't ratted out, yet.


you cringed as don resorted to punching norman and ray.

not baby norman too! you thought, worried for the white-haired genius. you feel bad for ray, but he can handle it, probably...aah!! i'm doing my boy ray dirty! you thought guiltily.

"don," gilda called as the said boy grabbed onto emma's collar.

you felt their frustrations, and it made you guilty.

"but i warned you didn't i? we were gonna tell you. still, i'm sorry," you said.

don left the room to cool himself, and gilda followed him suit.

"i'm gonna apologize to those two!" emma declared before running after don and gilda.

you smiled at her retreating back and decided to do the same as her. all will be well, and you six will definitely work together to get out of here.

as you went out of the dining hall, a silhouette on the window had watched everything unfold. with your mind preoccupied, you forgot that sister krone had been watching you guys all this time.


"i'm sorry i was being naive! i made a stupid decision. i should have trusted you guys." emma started. norman did the same, which made don visibly guilty as he apologized for punching ray and norman.

he then turned to you, much to your surprise, "i'm sorry as well y/n. you've warned us and was planning to tell us the truth, didn't you?"

surprised by this turn of events, you stuttered, not knowing what to reply.

"y-yes! n-no!"

gilda and don tilted their heads in confusion, 'yes? no? which is it?'. 

oh yeah, i've messed up the usual flow of events, you thought while norman urged ray to apologize to the two guilty kids.

you almost cooed as ray declared that he'll cover for them if anything happens and apologized for the stuff he did.

as emma recruited the two, you turned to ray, intent on stopping him from ignoring you. feeling a pair of eyes on him, ray turned only to find you staring at him. he raised a brow, quietly mouthing 'what'.

"i'm sorry," at this point you really weren't sure what you're apologizing for. you showed him the best puppy eyes you could ever muster without cringing.

"ah, hey!" you exclaimed as ray turned away. unbeknownst to you, the ravenette couldn't afford to let you see the smile creeping up his face.

you were too adorable that he can't help but tease you further.

"hey! hey ray! i'm sorry! don't ignore me!" you grabbed onto his arm and continuously pulled whilst whining to him.

unable to hide his laughter, ray finally laughed freely in front of you. caught off guard, you can only gape at him as realization dawned on you.

"you really looked stupid," ray said in between laughter.

"you've been messing with me this whole time!" you whined, punching him playfully on the arm as he continued to laugh at you. still, seeing as how he finally stopped ignoring you, it didn't take you long to laugh with him.

"i'm really sorry ray. it's not like i'm as smart as you guys, and i was thrown here against my will after all. i only want all of us to survive so i'm being cautious, i don't want any deaths." you explained, mustering up another puppy eyes at the ravenette.

to your delight, ray let out a chuckle, "yeah, i guess...i'm sorry as well."

"awweeeeee!!" you squealed seeing as how ray's cheeks were tinted red in embarrassment.

"shut up," he muttered, looking away from you again. this time, you grabbed his face to prevent him. this only deepened the red hue on his cheeks as he saw you in close proximity.

"ray's a softy! you're blush—geh!!" you couldn't tease him further as he landed a smack on your head.

"oho?" norman teased but wasn't heard by you and ray who were still busy teasing each other.

"they're good friends now!!" emma exclaimed, her eyes sparkling in delight.

"i think it's more than that," norman said with a teasing smile. he'll get you back for the times you've teased him about his crush on emma.

as you returned to your rooms, a wide smile stayed permanently on your face. now that you've overcome the obstacle known as don and gilda, you all can now proceed to the next step!

the plot was unfolding faster than what you've anticipated. you were worried of course, "i'll cross that bridge once i come to it."

but, there are a lot of bridges to cross. thinking that, you sighed in exasperation.

"i miss my old life," you reminisced. you could not believe that a day would arrive where you miss your mother's nagging. before you would always dismiss her—you became guilty of course, but saying sorry was embarrassing, heck you can't even say i love you despite wanting to!—now you'd do anything just to hear her scold you again.

hearing you sigh, ray became bothered. maybe a late-night talk wouldn't hurt, he thought before calling you. 

"hey, you aren't sleepy yet? wanna talk? you seem bothered." 

weirded out, you could only nod at him. seeing as to how you stared at him like he'd grown two heads, ray smacked you again for the second time that night.

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can anyone guess
the reference for the
'yes! no!' line? lol i
love that anime so
much! i had the chance
to make norman say
oya but i don't think
it'd suit him ( •́  •̀ ).

anyway, i'm sorry for
the lack of updates.
ya girl has no wifi.

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