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it wasn't your fault that ray's offered had caught you off guard. all this time, he had been cautious around you. not that you mind this, in fact, you couldn't help but hide a smile. you felt so happy you wanted to jump, although you can't understand why. he noticed you were troubled and that was enough to make your heart flutter. it was these small things that you like about someone.

i can't fall for ray now, you thought to yourself as you shook your thoughts away.

settling on your bed beside emma's, ray noticed how preoccupied you were with your thoughts. he found it amusing how you light up in happiness and the next second you were frowning in disapproval while shaking your head.

as much as he wanted to leave you to yourself, you both don't have all night, and the troubled look on your face returned. 

you squeaked in surprise as a hand landed a smack on your head. you looked up to catch the bastard, only to see ray. no surprise there, you thought with a glare directed at the said boy.

just when i thought he's becoming kind to me, you thought, your brows twitching in annoyance.

"what do you wanna talk about?" you grumbled quietly.

"the troubled look on your face makes you ugly," he smirked and you couldn't help but reach out to pinch his arm, though unsuccessfully as his reflex was fast.

on his defense, ray just couldn't say that you looked prettier with a smile directly at you. he swore he would never tell you that, you will never find out.

"on a serious note, what are you worrying about?" he asked in a whisper after you've both decided to settle down on the cold floor. the bed was far too noisy with every little move you both make. you couldn't help it, with all his teasings, throwing a punch or whatever at him became natural.

"i miss my family back home, and i'm worried about what i know," you said and looked up at him. ray could clearly see the genuine worry in your eyes, and something came to his mind.

"you..." he started, and you instinctively listened intently, "about me and mama, you know about our relationship don't you?"

you were almost scared at the way his glare pierced you. you didn't even notice you were trembling until ray flicked your forehead. he was back to being playful again, but thinking about how scary he looked didn't melt your frown away.

"so... you do?" he asked again, his eyebrows raised. at this point, you found it useless to lie. it'd probably make you suspicious if you try to evade.

"i do, and i think it's a load of bull." ray surprised you with a chuckle. everything then became quiet.

it wasn't until ray broke the silence, "keep it a secret until then, alright?" he whispered and you nodded, but ray had a distant look.

seeing how you were still wide awake, ray stayed to entertain you. he asked various questions about what it's like in the real world—as you claimed. missing home, you eagerly told him about how it was still the year 2020 in your world and answered any questions that he had. ray saw how your face instantly lit while you blabbered on and on about your world. he envied you a little, because he never had been out of the orphanage, and even if he did, it'd probably be full of deceiving adults and horrifying demons.

your soft whispers lulled ray as he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier by the minute. noticing his head bobbing, you shook him slightly.

"go to bed now." he turned to you with an absent nod, and you both stood up.

"how 'bout you?" he murmured sleepily. the sight almost made you coo at this side of him, he looked too cute that it made you forget about the glare he gave you earlier.

"i'll probably gather information in the library until i feel sleepy."

you've probably never seen anyone snap their head that fast. ray furrowed his brows at you—and damn he still looked cute—and shook his head rapidly, "don't. we can't risk mama seeing you."

instead, the boy grabbed your hand towards your bed. it confused you but followed him anyways. then you smiled as the thought of ray finally giving you his trust, even if it was a little bit, made you happy.

"i'll sing you a lullaby instead," he offered. before he could hum, you stopped him as a thought came into your mind.

"do you want me to tell you where mama got that song? it had me emotional for the whole time i listened to it you know, and it's significant as to why isabella became mama."

ray felt his whole system shutting off as he let your words sink in. you really knew your stuff, but more importantly, you knew about his mother's past.

contemplating, ray finally decided to decline your offer. he wasn't ready, and her past probably still doesn't justify what she had agreed to do—a slave for the demons.

"it was a matter of survival, i'm sure." was all he said before he started humming the familiar lullaby that had you emotional no matter how many times you've listened to it. hearing it from ray's mouth hit you with a greater wave of sadness.

you finally drifted off into a peaceful slumber. ray studied you with complete curiosity, and he couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips.

he whispered, "you might be their key to survive."

⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦ ᵃˡᶦᶜᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵃᵗᵗᵉʳ'ˢ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ

i'm sorry if you
were expecting a
new chapter aksk
but this had some
changes on the
first part (is that me
making excuses? 👀
definitely not i swear)

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