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死ぬまで     ⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦   norman held off on telling emma and ray about you two's discussion

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norman held off on telling emma and ray about you two's discussion. it's not that he doesn't trust you, he just needed to see what was on the other side of the cliff to make sure the forming plan on his head will be effective.

with his mind made up, norman realized that even if you did try to alter the course of their story, it will still force itself to correct everything.

well, what's happened already happened, norman thought. the boy tried thinking of ways to at least stop mama from breaking emma's leg just as what you said, but he thought that it'd be perfect so isabella won't suspect a thing. sorry emma, ray.

while ray went to distract mama, a futile attempt but would still buy them enough time if he and emma hurry. alas, just as how you described it, isabella was in front of them before they could even get close to the wall.

"mama? what's up?"

they played it cool, but norman already knew what would happen. he also knew that it will not be good. he just needed a glimpse, that's all but seeing isabella froze him momentarily. she started introducing herself and finally revealed her true identity, something they already knew but the betrayal was still fresh like it just happened yesterday.

norman was sick to his core upon hearing how she claimed she truly loved them as if they were her real children. the love she gave was necessary for them to grow into the premium goods she planned to give to demons.

“...and that’s exactly why i wanted you all to give up and came all the way here to stop you two.”

“give up what?”

“resistance,” she said.

as if! he wanted to say but bit his tongue to prevent himself from doing so. instead, he stole a knowing glance at emma. thankfully, she noticed, but then this is emma. mama has no intention of shipping them, they’re first-class produce that cannot be plucked prematurely. norman hid his smirk at that thought. 

norman thought of forcing his way through her, but then emma will break her bones for nothing. he knew it could help in deceiving the adult, but he really can’t get her hurt. emma is precious to him.

however, both he and isabella were surprised when she suddenly called his name. she nodded at him, urging him to force the investigation.

no time for hesitation, “i understand mama,” norman started with a smile. “we’ll stop being good kids then."

emma threw herself towards the adult whilst he ran. just a glance is all i need. for emma, for ray, for my siblings, and for y/n.

to his horror, a sickening loud crack followed by emma's scream echoed throughout their surroundings.

he knew this would happen thanks to you, but norman still couldn't hide his shock and fear. it was scary how everything you described to him actually played out.

“why?” it was useless to ask, but he can’t help the question as he watched her tend to emma’s leg that she broke. seeing her smile sweetly at him made him feel nauseous.

to her, he, emma, and ray were of the highest quality she's ever produced and she'll do whatever it takes to protect them.

"if we needed any protection, it'd be from you," norman gritted his teeth.

and then she uttered the news that he dreaded the most just as ray and the others arrived, "congratulations norman, your shipping date has been decided."

he knew it was coming, but he still felt the fear and frustration bubbling at the pit of his stomach. he wanted to do something, but norman just blankly stared at the adult with eyes opened wide.

"norman...is gonna get shipped out?"


you woke up, drenched in cold sweat. it didn't seem like the fever had gone down.

willing your heavy body to move, you got out of bed and dragged yourself to the door. despite your body aching and your vision spinning, you managed to somehow grab the doorknob and tried twisting it open.

it was locked.

panic made its way to your system as you desperately tried to open the door. you tried calling out but due to your hoarse voice, your pleas became a mere whisper. you turned around and found yourself in an unfamiliar room.

whose room is this? you thought to yourself as you managed to scan the empty room despite the painful pounding of your head. clutching your head and leaning on the door for support, you tried to calm yourself before searching for anything that may be useful. the room was dark, and when your eyes adjusted, nothing proved to be useful in the almost empty room.

the more time you spent thinking, the more you felt the heat emanating from your body. your legs wobbled and it was enough for you to decide to sit down.

you bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying. you wondered if norman told the other two and canceled the investigation. helpless, you passed out on the floor right after praying for emma and the others' safety.


to calm his nerves, norman let out a deep breath before putting on a smile. he already knew what was waiting for him from inside. 

"emma—" he called but stopped once he saw ray with her as well, looking serious.

"we won't let you die. norman...tomorrow, we're gonna have you escape alone."

sighing, he smiled at them. i'll indulge them for now.

ray narrowed his eyes at him.  "also, what did you and y/n talk about?" he asked, failing to notice your absence.

⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ

y'all are we rlly
at 17k? omg thank
you (; ;)♡

i'm alive yay! i've
been busy tryna
earn so i haven't
rlly been on here
that much and the
notif i received omf

also spy x family
anyone?????? ♡
12 am here.

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