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"can i talk to norman?" with your voice hoarse and throat dry, you pleaded to the orange-haired girl who tucked you in bed.

emma wanted to ask why but found it hard to do so seeing as to how your eyes still watered. The orange-haired girl could only nod in response and went to get norman. the said boy immediately came to you. he signaled emma with a nod and the girl left you both alone despite her curiosity.

“y/n?” norman called, his voice noticeably trembling. for you to call him desperately—if he were to borrow emma’s words, is enough indication that something bigger than sister krone’s death was bound to happen.

upon hearing his voice, your hand reached out to grab his wrist. you were frustrated with your weakened state, but even more so with your voice close to a whisper. why now? you urged norman to move close enough to hear you. this whole time norman quietly awaited for whatever you have to spill.

“your planned investigation will fail.” you just began but norman was already weak on his knees. you thought it was best for him to sit down before you continue. you sat up slowly before scooting over to the side to give room for the boy. norman gladly took the offer and plopped down beside you.

he tried asking you what you meant, but no words would come out. fortunately, you continued without waiting for him, “emma will end up with a broken leg, and you will be shipped.”

norman thought he was prepared for the worst,  but he wasn’t expecting it to be this dreadful.  despite his growing fear, norman willed himself to ask you about the next events, “the escape, did they succeed?”

“because of you, they escaped." it was all he needed to hear. 

you were glad to see the relief on norman’s face, but it was short-lived when he heard the rest of what you were supposed to say.

you described what was waiting for them on the other side, you told him about how heartbroken emma and ray was and how he plans on setting himself on fire as retaliation to isabella. thanks to the pen that sister krone left, the group was led to william minerva’s secret shelter where they met a lot of companions.

“through your shipment, kids from lambda 7214 will be saved by you.”

norman processed every information you had given, but the bit about him saving kids was hard to swallow. he told you to elaborate further but you seemed to not hear him as you continued to talk, fearing that you’ll pass out before you can tell him everything.

“peter ratri, their goal in that plantation is to create a super-premium quality meat to satisfy the demons.” you were talking too fast to the point that it seemed incoherent. fortunately, norman understood every word that came out of your mouth.

you didn’t give him any chance to open his mouth as you felt nauseous the more you opened your mouth. All you wanted was to lie down and rest, but norman had to hear everything first and reach a decision. will he let trust you and let himself get taken? that would be absurd, but norman already had a plan formed in his head.

it might be true that this may be avoided if you’d tell him from the start, but if what you said were to really happen, would he still be able to save the kids in the experimental plantation that you have mentioned? would things still happen the way they did before your arrival if you told them everything from the very beginning?

how everything works is truly mysterious. perhaps it was your mistake for still treating this world as fiction despite telling yourself countless times that this was your reality. nonetheless, norman was aware of your limits, and he could never blame you. you were merely a mortal compared to fate.

“i’m sorry,” you said.

the boy’s heart broke into a million pieces as he saw the tears flowing freely down your now rosy cheeks. he knew you cared for everyone, and like him, you were trying your hardest despite the overwhelming fear. you, just like the rest of the children in this pretend orphanage, are a part of his precious family.

he tried telling you that it was alright, but the tears never stopped flowing. seeing you freely expressing yourself, norman let himself cry. 

“come here,” he muttered. norman held you tightly in his arms as if to tell you that it was alright. you knew it was far from alright, but you held back onto him just as tight.

“i’m sorry i can’t come up with anything like you guys,” you cried, voice loud and trembling. no matter how many times he assured you, it didn’t stop your tears.

sister krone was probably gone. soon, it’ll be norman.

reading the manga, the wait wasn’t so long. that isn’t the case anymore.

the tears you’ve shed made your eyes feel heavy, just like the frustration you carried for being able to not do anything. your fever still hadn’t gone down, isabella would probably come to check on you if either emma or ray informed your situation to her. norman tucked you back in bed with his mind already made up. he just needed to ask you one more question.

“will we see each other again?”

biting your lip, you slowly nodded your head despite the throbbing pain banging on your head like a hammer on a nail.

norman smiled when he felt the tight grip on his wrist. your hand was unusually warm due to the fever, but it was comforting. he knew it was you telling him you were unwilling to let him go.

“thank you for doing everything you can for us,” he whispered, his face leaned closer to yours.

the gentle pat on your head was enough to lull your tired body back to sleep. before everything turned black, you felt something warm and soft land on your forehead.

“see you soon.”

⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦ ᶠᵃʳᵉʷᵉˡˡ

i was listening to bts’
your eyes tell to feel sad
when writing this and idk
why i cried, probably bc
of the beautiful song and
not bc of this crappy
writing smh
i'm also very very said bc
haikyuu just ended, this
hurt is legit :'(

i've been busy with another
book so i can earn $$$ but
i will update this ofc, i love
y’all bc u love this ugly excuse
for a book. also omg i legit
wanted to cry bc norman is
going to lambda now noooooo.
the feels are coming back.
anyway, might edit this later so
proof read.

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