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ray was still ignoring you. if it weren't for norman and emma stopping you, you would've already kicked his ass. he did not want his plan, which he prepared for six years, to be ruined. you ignored him for now and focused on the task at hand.

"you have someone you want us to meet, right emma?" you smiled at the girl who looked surprised at first but immediately replaced it with her usual smile. emma nodded her head enthusiastically and lead you guys towards the library.

slamming several thick-covered books on the table, emma hastily pointed the morse code found on various books by william minerva. emma turned to you, fully knowing you are aware of what she meant.

"william...minerva? who is he?" norman breathed out. emma being emma, answered that she didn't know him but explained how he could be of help. you couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's antics.

"what's funny?" ray whispered in your ear, his mouth turned into a frown as usual. your head snapped in his direction in surprise.

"i thought you were ignoring me?"


crap! great job me, you thought. ray had now started to ignore you again. you mentally pulled your hair in frustration. it was too late now as ray diverted his attention to emma and norman.

"he might be someone who can become our ally!" emma mused, taking norman by surprise with his eyes widening. the girl turned for you in confirmation—to which ray rolled his eyes—and you nodded.

as norman proceeded to ask her what she meant, your mind wandered off to don and gilda. you just hope they were alright if ever they didn't listen to your warning. having the knowledge about what'll happen is such a huge responsibility and a hassle—at least to you. one slip-up could either end up killing those who aren't meant to be killed or blow up the trio's plans.

a frown couldn't help but show itself on your lips, and it didn't go unnoticed by a certain ravenette.

"quit that frowning, it's my job." he scolded lightly, obviously with a frown aimed towards you. he slowly raised his hand, and you flinched when it made contact on your head.

"what? you thought i was gonna attack you?" he asked smugly, and the light blush on your cheeks contradicted your desire to wipe the smirk off his handsome face. 

but, was ray trying to reassure you even though he doesn't know the reason why you were frowning?

"geez, are you still really mad at me?" you mumbled, and he messed your head in retaliation before murmuring, "shut up, i still am."

for a while, you allowed yourself to forget about troublesome things and only focused on the warmth of ray's comforting hand on your head.

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this is an edited
version and was
previously chapter

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