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the pressure was unbearable with norman gone, and it kept you on edge all day long. he truly was the three's pillar of support, and now, yours too.

for the past few days ever since norman was gone, you've been doing nothing but avoid ray. afraid that he might've held a grudge against you for doing nothing to stop the platinum blonde from going. but it wasn't like you had the chance of bumping into him, he and emma aren't in good condition mentally. ray refused to go out of his room unless necessary while emma, despite her spirits down, tried her best to smile for her siblings.

surprisingly, the talk about ray giving up did not happen either, and you only hoped this won't affect the story greatly after you let norman go. of course you knew they haven't given up yet, but there's that constant worry clouding your mind now that you are in the actual setting instead of watching everything unfold on your little screen.

to keep your mind off things, you focused on the upcoming escape two months from now. you've waited for isabella to talk to emma, convincing the orange-haired girl to give up and instead, live to pursue a career as a mama. you planned to talk about the letter norman had left for emma, convinced she had read the letter already. ray was still not aware of the plan, and you have yet to acquire evidence or at least an assurance that his plan to set himself on fire won't happen. nonetheless, ray would be coming with you all to escape, you promised norman that.

so you head for your guys' room where emma was grieving-best actress honestly, and to your horror and surprise, isabella stood in front of the door, blocking the way. hastily, you hid your surprise and stood firmly planted on your place a few meters away from the said adult. seeing as to how you waited for her to leave, isabella took the luxury of trudging to where you stood.

"y/n," the instant your name tumbled out of her lips, you took one step backward, considering running from the adult.

"oh, don't be scared." how can i not?! you wanted to scream back.

"i only want you to consider this offer," she began. "since emma refused, how about you pursue being a mama?" your eyes widened in horror at her question. you immediately blurted out a no, loudly than you intended to but you didn't mind. you wanted isabella to know that you hated the idea and find it disgusting that she even considered you for such an inhumane thing. the mere thought of tending to children and then feeding them demons is enough to make your blood run cold.

the smile isabella painted on her face turned into a hard glare, one that gave you chills. "i thought you were smarter than that, how disappointing." not really, no.

she moved closer while pinning you with her cold glare. bending down to your level, isabella placed her mouth close to your ears. "too bad, you're going next." you have become too much of a hindrance for isabella, and she suspected you still have something up your sleeves. so she needed to get rid of you, and the best way to do that was to ship you off. it wasn't so hard with the connection she had with grandma.

flinching, you stepped backward. you felt your heart stop at the unexpected turn of events. it was now that you truly felt the horror of your new reality. before you could form a reply, a voice from behind called for your name. ray! you quietly ran to him, afraid that isabella might grab a hold of you.

"ray," isabella smiled. the bags under the said boy's eyes was enough indication that he was grieving for norman's loss, so isabella decided to leave you two alone to say your goodbyes for the inevitable.

gripping your hand hard, ray said nothing and only stared blankly ahead, avoiding isabella's eyes as she passed you both. and when she was finally out of sight, you let out the biggest breath of relief. you only remembered ray was beside you when he tugged your hand forward.

you expected him to at least scold you or even let go of your hand, but both didn't happen. instead, ray held your hand tightly but refused to make any eye contact. he walked you to your destination, and when you were almost close to the door, the silence became unbearable. you stopped walking, tugging at ray's hand in yours after admitting to yourself that you hated not talking to him.

feeling bold, you freed your hand from his grip and without missing a beat, hugged him from behind before he could turn to look at you. you didn't want to have any regrets after hearing of your shipment. you were scared after learning this of course, and you didn't hide it from ray by the way your body trembled.

"wha-what the hell are you doing?" turning beet red, ray was glad you couldn't see him.

"ray, i'm sorry. i won't let you go unless you answer me." taking a deep breath, you continued, "do you hate me? i understand if you feel that way but i just want to make sure whether our friendship is over or not."

you talked too fast, ray guessed from nervousness, that he almost couldn't catch on. but when he did, the ravenette wiggled out of your hold, and it was enough of an answer that saddens you. you let your arms hang loosely at your sides, and you were ready to sulk in your room, forgetting about what you were supposed to talk with emma.

that was until you were engulfed in a warm embrace.

"dumbass. i should be the one asking you that since you were avoiding me."

"hah?!" you breathed out in disbelief. you struggled to get out of his embrace, but this only tightened the hold he had on you. "stay still, you idiot." he hated the fact that his face became warm with you being the reason. it was unlike him and no way in a million years will he let you see him red all over.

the tears that were about to spill from happiness came back after hearing his insult. now you were annoyed, and as you were about to scold him, you felt a painful poke on your sides.

"ray what the hell?!" try as you might, but the ravenette refused to let you go. what kind of face are you making? you wanted to ask but couldn't. all your courage was drained the moment you hugged ray from behind.

"listen to me first idiot-"

"stop calling me that!" but he ignored you and continued.

"this is the time where i put all the trust i have in you. just promise me we'll meet that moron again." the plea in his voice broke your heart, knowing how much norman means to him and emma. you're not the one who's supposed to cry, so you bit your lip and nodded your head as best as you could, not trusting your voice.

the moment he let you go, ray became flustered the moment a single tear slid down your cheek. not knowing how to comfort you-despite you telling him you were already okay, he awkwardly ruffled your hair while calling you an idiot several times.

in the end, he forgot asking you what the plan was now that norman was gone, and whether you knew his plan to kill himself or not.

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- season 2 omg !! also
this is the heaviest ray
and reader moment i've
ever written. i originally
planned to make this
sad but ray's an ass
and it naturally flowed
so this is the result.


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