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"relax emma, gilda is not the spy," you whispered as quietly as you can to the nervous girl beside you. despite reassuring her, you couldn't help but be nervous yourself. you've only watched this scene on your screen monitor, but now it's happening in front of you, live.

this was your reality now.

you and emma listened intently behind the door. the conversation went just like how you remembered it when watching the anime.

before you knew it, gilda was already making her away out of the door. both you and emma stepped quietly away from the door.

surprised, gilda tried to explain but was cut off by emma throwing herself onto gilda for a hug. it was heartwarming, but you knew what sister said planted a seed of doubt into gilda.

now that gilda is eliminated, the real spy will be exposed by norman.


norman had already explained how he'll find the spy to ray, emma, don and gilda the night before. norman had told you to keep quiet about the separate locations he had fed the two pairs—emma and ray, don and gilda.

you guessed that norman had already exposed ray and are now having a discussion with him. you weren't exactly worried knowing how it'll turn out. what you're worried about is how to help lessen the burned norman is carrying.

it's not like i'm as smart as they are, you thought in dismay.

the tests you've taken together with the other children had given you average scores, but you were still proud of yourself due to the questions being very difficult.

sighing, you stood up to find ray.

"they're probably done talking," you muttered.

before you can even take one step, emma asked you where you were going.

"i'm going to annoy ray 'til he jumps out of a window, i'm bored!" the orange-haired girl laughed at your antics, and even gilda joined in.

in all honesty, you just wanted to talk to him about how he can now believe that emma wanting to save everyone is possible. that might at least lessen norman's burden—or so you hope.


"i am mama's personal source."


you couldn't help but snicker at emma's reaction and ray's nonchalance as if what he revealed was as normal as eating breakfast.

"and you knew about him all along y/n?!" emma quizzed, pointing at you. you merely nodded.

norman offered to explain further at a confused emma and let out a breath of relief. one lie was finally out of the bag, and everything had progressed like how it's supposed to despite your presence.

it made you wonder whether you're capable of changing the story if you tried interfering. not that i tried, you thought.

turning to the trio, you muttered, "ohh, its this part already."

emma gripped ray's hand in hers, "but just make sure...don't you ever dare try something like that again."

the way she looked up close made a chill run down your spy. emma can really be scary if she wants to.

"damn, she was pissed!"

"yeah, she was restraining herself." 

and now this part also comes, now what do i do? you pondered to yourself. ignoring their discussion about mama's disappearance every night and the potential hidden room.

you six moved towards the bedroom as the day slowly passed by. emma and gilda revealed about how the hidden room is beside isabella's office. don expressed about wanting to break but was immediately shut down by ray and his very convincing reasons.

"i agree with ray, there's too many risks and too little to gain." although mama won't look at the tracker this time, it still terrified you. you may tell them the truth without having them break in.

should you have just told emma to be honest from the start? but would don and gilda even believed emma in the first place? so far, none of them died in the manga. norman even saved some other kids during his shipment. 

"yeah, i should warn them...." you muttered, still unsure. you felt guilty, you knew it'll happen but you don't do anything.

"don, gilda," you called, "i know you two still plan on breaking in, but please don't. we'll talk about something after dinner."


the five of them were surprised, especially don and gilda. the two hung their heads down guiltily as they voiced out their agreement. nodding at them, don and gilda left to prepare dinner.

once the door closed, emma approached you while showing a face full of concern and held your hand, "is something wrong? what do you mean earlier?"

"well…" you trailed off, hesitating, but emma reassured you that she's willing to listen by giving your hand a gentle squeeze.

"don and gilda will break inside the room but!—" you quickly added before ray could protest seeing as to how his face twisted into anger.

"mama won't know who it is. they'll discover the real truth of the orphanage and you guys will patch things up with them."

"you did warn them, but was that enough to make them listen?" ray let out a sigh of exasperation. this was why he should've just let them out of the plan.

"i don't know. no matter how i mess with the plot, it'll still probably follow through how it was originally planned," you replied honestly.

"i'm sorry," you said for not telling them immediately. norman only chuckled as he reached to gently pat your head.

"why? like us, you're afraid. like us, you want to save our family, isn't that right?" norman smiled, lifting your mood.

"we trust you! you're also our sibling, you know! right ray?"

the said boy clicked his tongue in annoyance, "whatever. don't blame me if you walk straight into your deaths."

for the rest of the discussion, ray showed obvious signs that he was ignoring you. you knew you can't blame him for being angry, but this was starting to annoy you.

you smiled, good intentions out of the window as you thought about how you'll annoy him back later.

— それはずっと彼だった
⁵⁵¹⁹⁴◦ ᶦᵗ ʷᵃˢ ʰᶦᵐ ᵃˡˡ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍ

i'm back with new
and edited chapters!
sorry for the wait bbys
🙇🙇 forgive me.

thanks to comic sans,
my usually short chapters
have now reach 1k words
sksks. proof read though.

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