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almost immediately, the three full scorers asked to speak with you in the library. it would've been fine, but they request for your little meeting to be at midnight. it was sensible to you knowing that mama was the real enemy, but you still can't help but be nervous.

you assured yourself by thinking you did nothing wrong. telling them the truth would probably be the best option. you hate lying, and you weren't good at it. which reminds you, being inside the promised neverland world, lying was needed in order to not get busted.

you were screwed.

"that aside, would they even believe me if i tell them?" you questioned before sighing in defeat.

with these thoughts swirling in your head, you didn't even notice you were face to face with the library's door. the children were kind enough to give you a tour around the orphanage whilst firing various questions. you did your best to avoid them in order to lie less.

as you were about to grab and twist the knob, a horrifying thought had crossed your mind. by telling the truth and possibly giving information about the future, the flow of the story might change. it could lead to more deaths of characters that aren't supposed to die. no, you didn't like that.


"gah!" you yelped in surprise as emma suddenly popped out from the room you were just about to enter.

"lower your voice, dummy!" ray smacked you gently on the head, earning a muttered 'jerk' from you. emma then dragged you inside, saying how you took long that they started to worry.

yep, i love this girl and she deserves none of this, you thought.

"why were you standing outside? scared? or worried?" ray asked. he was eyeing you, visibly suspicious. not that he'd made an effort to hide it anyway.

"you know something about this place, don't you?" norman spoke for the first time. the question made you visibly tense, and the trio noticed, confirming their suspicions without needing an answer from you.

"how, why and when?" ray frowned at your silence. he wondered what could have prevented you from talking, or so he thought. in reality, you were still debating whether to tell them about the truth and change the flow of the story or not.

"Y/N?" emma started, worried at your silence. you sighed, seemingly having no choice. you couldn't think of a lie because you sucked, besides, lies could lead to future problems. it'd be best to be honest knowing that they might've thought of you as a spy sent to watch over them. ridiculous, but a cautious thinking from kids in a precarious situation.

"you might not believe me but..." you took a deep breath before continuing whilst the full scorers listened intently, "i'm not from this world. i remember falling asleep in my room last night, and the moment i woke up, i was beside mama-or isabella, whatever."

you were met with silence, and you smiled nervously as you watched each of their reactions. emma was the first to break the silence as she scratched her head in confusion.

"hold up! you're not from this world? what-"

"she's a crazy woman." ray said abruptly, cutting emma off in the process. sometimes you ask yourself why ray became your favorite character. thankfully, emma scolded ray.

"i'm not crazy, you rude jerk! i'm being honest! you guys are fictional characters in my world, an anime! and i am somehow now inside it. god knows what role i am supposed to play!" your outburst made you take huge gulps of air.

"so you're basically saying we're not real?" norman asked, his brows raised.

"yes...well, in my world anyway. but y'all are pretty much real here." you shrugged. they were eyeing you like you've grown two heads, and it was starting to annoy you. it wasn't like you expected them to believe you immediately, but you figured you get easily annoyed.

"look, i can prove it to you." it was ray's turn to raise his brow. he asked you how, and you turned silent for a minute, not sure if you should reveal their future. then you thought that telling them what they had planned so far probably won't affect the story that much.

"that's right, i can tell you how far you are now with your plan to escape." and you told them how norman and emma had discovered grace field's secret as well as how they plan to escape using the wall. everything you could tell, you told. it was all in such fine detail that the full scorers couldn't help but be shocked.

"how did you...?" emma started but trailed off.

"i told you, i'm not from here. i can tell you what'll happen in the future, but i can't risk changing the story."

norman contemplated what you had said. if it were true, you could be their secret weapon.

unbelievable, but norman couldn't help himself. he chuckled, not to mock you, but because of lady luck gracing them in the form of you.

"you can further prove yourself when time comes. now that you're in grace field, you do realize you are a cattle meant to be eaten, yes? in order to escape, you will be our secret weapon." norman smiled in amusement. he ignored ray's protest and emma's surprise as he held his hand out to you.

"what do you say?"

of course, you accepted.


as you four were heading out of the library, you walked next to norman and ray with emma at the front.

"by the way, norman." the said boy hummed in response. you gave a teasing grin and whispered loud enough for both males to hear, "it's cute how you like emma."

the poor boy was taken aback and turned red. you couldn't help but innocently smile despite the teasing glint in your eyes. ray rolled his eyes but smirked at how flustered norman looked. you ran to emma to strike up a conversation and left ray to deal with the flustered boy.

- アリスは有罪判決を受けた
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