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as emma explained to ray the extent of norman's plan and her decision to leave the kids under four years old, your mind drifted to your conversation with phil together with emma, don, and gilda a few months back.

he is intelligent but still a kid. you could only imagine how scared phil must've felt that day and for the days that were about to come. ignorance really was a bliss, and you wished that phil remained ignorant of everything, at least until you all come back from him and the rest of the kids. all you've seen in the manga was that he suffered in silence.

"phil is amazing," you muttered to yourself, but this didn't go unheard by the two full-scorers. emma nodded her head in acknowledgment and with a determined sparkle in her eyes, she patted your back. then you all ran.

you knew it was coming, but the moment the alarm sounded, you jumped and would've fallen down the dark pit if the wall wasn't wide enough.

"the alert has gone out faster than we'd planned for," emma said but there was no hint of worry in her voice.

ray stood beside emma, clearly panicked. "what do we do?! we're still miles away from the bridge!"

you and emma shared grins, confusing the ravenette. "don't worry. we aren't heading towards the bridge anyway." finding the spot norman directed, you pointed, "we'll go to the other side from here!"

"yup!" emma chimed excitedly.

your siblings that trained for the past two months began with don leading, throwing their makeshift ropes to the other side. you glared hard at the ropes that were thrown, silently praying that they land successfully. it was nerve-racking with thoughts that things might not go just as how you've seen it in the anime or manga.

ray noticed a bead of sweat running down the side of your head and decided to poke your sides, jolting you out of your thoughts. "you're way too tense, i thought you knew this would happen?"

you rolled your eyes at his fast reflexes after failing to land a pinch on his arm. "that doesn't mean i can't be nervous." everything could change any moment, you thought, not wanting to scare him. after every stupid thing you did, the story stayed true to its original plot with only a few changes. but those few changes, although minor, is why you can't relax.

it's okay, think of it like an anime that sometimes doesn't follow the manga but remains somewhat the same.

seeing don cross to the other side safely removed some of the tension in your body. thoma and lani followed after don's throw and successfully landed their ropes on the other side. you let out a big sigh of relief as nat started crossing to the other side, the other kids soon followed. as you waited for your turn, you sneaked a glance towards ray and chuckled at his bewildered expression.

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