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it didn't take long for the trio to realize that it was useless to hide anything from you. they were impressed when the trackers were really found on the ears, except ray. his doubt about you being a spy was still there, and you couldn't really blame him.

"so you're gonna play tag to train the kids?" emma wasn't even surprised anymore, she only nodded with enthusiasm at what you had said.

"norman is going to be "it", and everyone else has to run away from him," emma explained. norman placed his thumb and forefinger on his chin as he thought of what emma had said.

"training under the disguise of playing..." the albino trailed off as he looked towards emma's direction.

after a few more exchange of words, you all proceeded to act out the plan. you and emma lead a group of kids whilst teaching them without being too obvious. you were amazed at how fast they were learning, but then they were grace field orphans, nothing too surprising to you.

you knew sister krone would butt in, and it scared you. the memory of sister krone being close to you with her usual nonsensical tone and smile that night was still fresh on your mind. of course, coming from the real world, you usually don't encounter lunatics like sister krone, or merciless like mama.

to your dread, sister krone did want to join in, saying how she wanted to be friends with everyone. you froze in fear as sister krone turned to you with her usual unnerving smile, but before she could get to close, ray pulled you behind him.

don't be scared, you thought. you four reach an agreement, this was the chance to get to know the enemy—though you already knew.

you all ran while keeping in mind what you have learned from the strategic game of tag earlier. to you utter disappointment, you witnessed sister krone swooping kid after kid in her arms. by now, only six kids remained. originally, it was five, but you were surprised that you managed to dodge the sister for so long.

just when you were about to transfer to another hiding spot from above the tree, you felt it shake a little as leaves fell off. you turned and almost slipped due to the image of sister krone grinning at you like a maniac. you willed your trembling limbs to climb down, but sister krone already had her grip fixed on your arm.

"game over," she said, still with her signature smile. she suddenly loosened her grip on your arm, and to your surprise, you fell.

you braced yourself for the impact that took an eternity to come. it wasn't long before you felt a rush of wind caressing your skin. you slowly opened your eyes and found ray running with you in his arms.

"i'll drop you over there, so go to where our siblings are." ray did as what he had said, but before he disappeared, he patted your shoulders and whispered, "good job."

you watch his retreating back until it turned smaller and smaller. you hurried back to where the other kids were crowded together. if it weren't for phil pointing it out, you wouldn't have realized you had turned a dark shade of red.

"i'm just tired from running too much," you reasoned with a nervous laugh. the cute little boy tilted his head in confusion but didn't push the matter further. you hadn't even realized that emma got captured before you, and that was something considering that it's emma we're talking about.

you stood next to emma, who congratulated you for lasting long. "you were awesome!" she beamed excitedly. you grinned at her, happy that she complimented you.

you both looked up as you heard cheers erupting from the kids around you. it turns out—though you already know they'll beat her—ray and norman didn't get caught until the end. their cheers were so contagious that you join them. you even forgot to tell emma about gilda's suspicion, but the story had its way to avoid too much change.

later that night, after dinner, you approached ray as he washed the dishes with norman. he turned to you with one brow raised, you had a stupid smile that he couldn't quite pinpoint what it meant.

"thank you for earlier." and with that, you skipped away from a confused norman and a chuckling ray.


— アリスの恐れが見られる
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