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the trio had already started suspecting a few children that might be isabella's spy, though emma refused to suspect at least one of them being the angel that she is.

of course, she was right, mama's spy had been the boy beside you all along.

" ray," you called to him. the said boy hummed in response, not even bothering to look up from the book he was immersed in. 

apparently, emma and the others had been practicing by playing tag in the forest, and what happened between you and sister krone still terrified you so you hung out with ray—much to his advantage. you wanted to confront him anyway so you didn't mind.

"you believe me now don't you? you believe me enough to keep me away from emma and norman."

startled, ray finally put down his book to look directly at you. you tried searching for any sort of emotion that might have slipped on his face, but not even nervousness could be traced on his features.

"what makes you think that?" 

"you are mama's spy, am i right?"

it was true, he didn't want emma and norman to know his betrayal yet—in fact, he didn't want them to know until they were safely out of grace field.

taking a while, ray finally opened his mouth, "if you know that then you also know why i'm doing it."

with that said, ray went back to reading his book. this time, he acted like he was ignoring you. you couldn't help but giggle as you ruffled his messy hair. he only wanted to save his best friends. though he didn't believe in saving everyone, you really couldn't blame him, it was rational and realistic.

you thanked the power of anime for making everything turn out well with everyone escaping—well, almost everyone. even emma realized it was impossible to bring them all with them to escape.

but you believed they all will be freed. you certainly didn't want to die yet, that's for sure.

"everything will turn out fine, trust me."

he did.


norman had made it a habit to not include you in some of their discussions and ask you what their next move is. you had repeatedly scolded him saying it was impossible to remember everything in the anime in exact detail, but you still told them anyway, and norman was pleased.

now wasn't any different.

"so what's our next step y/n?" norman asked with an amused smile plastered on his face. rolling your eyes, you elbowed norman playfully.

"you'll tell don and gilda lies to let them in the group because as what norman said, the smaller the teams are, the better chance each team has of survival."

"bravo!" norman exclaimed matching his delight with a clap. emma soon followed him with ray asking whether they were total idiots. you playfully bowed much to ray's annoyance, and you only stuck your tongue out at him.

"so..." emma began as she fell behind to match with your pace. you raised a brow, signaling her to continue.

"should we just tell them the truth or should we continue with the lie?"

you find it nice to have emma trusting you, and even norman was starting to fully believe you. it wasn't clear with ray but at least he listens and doesn't call you crazy anymore.

"i think it's better to just leave the plot as it is—" you cut yourself midway as the trio stared at you with their heads tilted in confusion.

"—i mean, i think it's better to go with your plan of telling them how we're going to be sold off to bad guys like what happened to conny. no harm will be done," you said, reassuring emma with a pat on her back.

at least not much harm since mama is always one step ahead of us, you thought.

"amazing, truly! we haven't even told you how we're gonna lie, and we haven't uttered anything about conny yet, haven't we?" emma exclaimed. norman was now even more amused at this turn of events.

"ray's still a skeptic though." you pointed to the ravenette who ignored you with a quiet 'hmp'.

ignoring him, you four marched to meet gilda and don.


"run away with us!" emma exclaimed, persuading don and gilda to join arms with you four.

you watched how the events unfolded whilst cringing on the inside at the lies emma spouted and how norman lied about conny's death. if it were you, you'd be scared out of your wits if they ever told you the purpose of your life is to be eaten by demons.

well crap, because you are actually a part of the raised food now. it seemed that the events that played previously kept you from thinking too much about a possibility of you dying as well.

thinking that, you couldn't help but shiver in fear.

"you look funny."

your eyes trailed towards ray's figure leaning on the bookshelf beside you. he stared at you intently as if he found you more interesting than the events unfolding in front of him. 

"i've been living a normal life, and now there's a possibility that i might die."

"...i see."

then it went quiet between you two. you bit your lip in disappointment as you kinda expected ray to say something comforting.

ah, he's not obligated to do that though, you thought bitterly while at the same time mentally slapping yourself for being such a ray fangirl at times like these.

but a sudden warmth placed at the top of your head halted your embarrassing train of thoughts. it gently caressed your hair, and you just couldn't help but turn red.

no words were needed.

"thank you."


"y/n," norman called quietly, stopping you from your tracks. you turned to him and both of you waited for the others to get out of the room first.

"what is it?"

he seemed to hesitate, and it gave you an idea of what it might be about. gathering his courage, norman finally asked who the spy may be.

you uttered one unexpected name, horrifying norman.

"so my suspicion was right?" he muttered to himself.

patting him on the back, you turned for the door, but not before telling norman one last thing.

"you'll find out once you've laid the trap."

the night became quiet as if it didn't witness six children in despair as they strived to find a way to survive.

— 新しい味方
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