Grace's P.O.V

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After calling Birdboi, I make sure Jess' containment tube is secure. I take a look at her x-rays. It's worse than I thought.. The parasite has been feeding off her insides. The only thing keeping her alive right now is the fact that the infection has blocked any internal spills or bleeding. If I give her the cure, and it helps get rid of the parasite, she'll die, but if I keep it from her, she'll die anyway. I pinch the bridge of my nose. She won't live either way.. The outcome is the same in every circumstance.. I look over at her. She's holding her stomach, in obvious pain. If I give her the cure, or leave her be, her end will be painful.. It makes me sick to think of the question I'm about to ask her.

"Jess." I say. She looks at me, the pain on her face fully visible still. "You're going to die. I'm afraid I can't save you.." She puts on a painful smile. "That's what I tried telling you guys.." I sit in my chair, defeated. "The only non-painful way out is.. A lethal injection." I look at her again. "Would you rather have me kill you now?" Jess seems to think about this. Another sudden wave of pain comes over her though, and she winces. She nods, and a single tear rolls down her cheek. My hands start shaking and I press my communicator. "Scooby.. I need you to come to Med Bay right now. Jess is about to die. ...Please hurry." 

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