RheaChan's P.O.V

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When Grace got back from helping Scooby, she told Jess she needed to take an x-ray of her abdomen. What surprised me the most, was that Grace told me I could come out of my containment tube for a while to stretch my legs and get a change of clothes and whatnot while she was doing the x-ray. Of course, Birdboi had to come with me to make sure I didn't hurt anyone, and Grace had to make sure I didn't have anything on me that was potentially harmful.

I practically flew out of the tube when Grace opened it. "Wahhhh!! Freedom!" I cry. Grace giggles. "Thirty minutes of freedom." She says as I walk around energetically. "Come back when I call Birdboi okay?" I nod happily and I hear Jess mutter something about 'not fair' before I race out of the Med Bay.

The walk to my room seemed shorter since I pretty much zoomed there. Birdboi doesn't seem to have any trouble keeping up with me though, which is good. When we finally reach my room, I look inside. My bed is still unmade and I have a few clothes and books strewn about. I should have guessed. Grace has always told me she isn't going to clean up after me, and I guess my situation isn't a good enough excuse.

"Hey, Percy?" I say. He tilts his head a bit. "What is it?" I scratch the back of my neck. "Can you get out of my room for a bit?" He seems confused. "..Uhm.. Why?" I feel my face flush. "I need to get undressed Percy. That's how changing clothes works.." He stares for a moment and then seems to process what I had just told him. He makes a weird cough noise and rushes out, closing the door behind him. I let out a small laugh and got a set of clothes on, and my extra black suit. As always, I put on my red beanie before closing my closet door. I tidy up a bit before opening the door back up. Percy jumps in surprise and says, "Err.. Sorry about um.." I put my hands in front of me. "It's fine, you didn't know."

We walk around for a bit, passing communications and shields. Birdboi pauses for a moment. "Funkykid told me that she found the planet Senpai and Daddylonglegs were trying to find." He says. I whip my head around to face him. "Really??" He nods. She told me which file she put the info in if you want to see." I nod eagerly. "Alright." He says. "I'll have to pull up the file in navigation." I follow him as we both head up toward nav. Once we get there, Birdboi immediately starts up the computer system and starts looking through the files. It only takes about thirty seconds for him to find it. "Here." He says pointing at the screen. I look over his shoulder to see a green looking planet, with two moons. "Woah.." my voice is barely a whisper. I stare at the screen for a while, and then my eyes flicker up toward the huge window in front of us, I can see all the stars shining. I move away from the computer system and stare out the window. Birdboi looks up from the screen and stares at me, but I don't take my eyes from the sight in front of me. I can hear him move away from the computer and stand beside me.

"They're beautiful.." I breathe. He looks at me again. "I've never understood what people find beautiful about them." he says. I smile a bit. "I find them beautiful because, even though they're millions and millions of miles away, they're still able to shine brightly, and we can see them in the dark of the night sky. Even in space, they never cease to amaze me.." I press my hands against the glass, the coolness seeping through my gloves and reaching my hands. "I wish I could stare at the stars for the rest of my life. No worries about life, about the situation I'm in.. Looking at them gives me hope." I tear my eyes away from the glass to look at him. "Isn't that a good reason to find them beautiful?" He seems to think about it. "I guess you could say that." he sighs softly. I stare at him for a bit. "You never told me," I say slowly. "Why do you wear that mask all the time?" "...I think it's better if people don't look at me." he whispers. "It's better if humanity doesn't know me. Even if it's just 5 other people." I tilt my head. "I think you see yourself in a different light than other people do." He keeps staring ahead. "I see myself how everyone else used to see me." was his mysterious response. I take a deep breath. "Maybe you shouldn't worry about the past anymore." I say. "This is a new future. A new hope for humanity. I don't see you as a strange or creepy person, no matter what you tell yourself. Everyone here sees you as a crewmate. A friend." I shrug. "Maybe not Jess but.. You get the idea." He just looks at me. "And it's also really hard to see what your emotions are like when I can't see your face." I add.

I wait a few moments, and then he sighs. "Alright.." He mumbles. He starts to undo the fastenings on the back of the mask and takes it off, along with his red goggles. When he does, it reveals a pair of green eyes and a soft but mysterious face. I stare at him, a bit in shock. "Your eyes are pretty.." I breathe, and immediately regret it, my face flushing. "I-I mean-" He smiles, and my heart almost stops. "Thank you." he says. Embarrassed, I say, "W-well, I think we should head back." I start to walk away but he says, "Wait-" and grabs my wrist. I turn to look at him. He's averting my eyes. I tilt my head. "Are you okay..?" He looks like he wants to say something, but doesn't know how to, and my curiosity is growing. "Percy..?" He inhales deeply and mumbles, "Sorry I just.." He clears his throat. "A while ago I asked Grace why I felt so happy and nervous around you." Wait what- "She said I have a crush on you and I don't know really how to tell you and-" He pauses. "Well I guess I just did.." I let out a nervous laugh. "Is this like.. A prank or something?" He looks me in the eyes finally. He takes my hand and puts it on his chest. I can feel his heart beating very fast. My face heats up. "..No." He says. His face is really close to mine. My heart starts beating fast as well. Part of me wants to push him away, and get back to the Med Bay, but the other part of me wanted to let it happen. So I stayed where I was, despite the rising heat on my face and the giddy feeling in my stomach. Right before his lips met mine, Grace's voice rang out, startling us both. "Grace to Birdboi, I'm done with Jess' x-ray. Please bring RheaChan back, thank you." Birdboi backed away, his face red, and said, "..We should get back." I nod quickly. He puts back on his mask and goggles, and I follow him out of navigations.

What just happened? 

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