Senpai's P.O.V

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 I hum to myself as I swipe my card, watching the green light flash while the screen reads, 'accepted' and I can't help but smile. I had never been around such high technology before coming aboard this ship, it was amazing. Life here is amazing. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that I was the lucky one to be able to escape earth. To escape the orphanage. My smile falters a bit as I remember that place. It was so cold.. There was rarely ever enough food because the matrons usually kept it for themselves. I never understood how they were able to stay in business, seeing as the place was filthy, and totally unsuited for children, or even teenagers like me. So... Either the matrons paid inspectors to keep quiet, or they just didn't care. I learned people can be cruel at a very young age.. But.. Even so, when I was called to be on this ship, I saw a light, a new hope of a life. Somewhere warm, and happy. Maybe with a family.

My smile widens as I think of these dreams of happiness again, as I hurry to navigation. I will find a new home. I'll help everyone have hope. I'll help everyone have a future.. A life. No one will have to ever be lonely, or cold, or hungry ever again. Maybe... I can be the person I had always dreamed would come for me at the orphanage.. I shake my head. Focus Senpai! In order to do that I have to be able to find our new home first!

I finally reached navigations. I hurry inside to see a figure, already there, staring out the window. "Oh, hey!" I say. Going to stand next to them. "What do you see?" They don't answer. I start to wonder if they're okay. I reach them and look over at their face. It's blank, but their eyes.. They.. look like.. I figure it out too late. I feel a sharp pain in my back, and a warm liquid that I know is blood starts running down the back of my suit. My eyes widen, as I reach for something, anything, to grab onto as I crumple to the floor. I watch the person I once knew to be my crewmate turn and run toward the vent, jumping inside and escaping. I know my time is running out. All I wanted was a home.. Would I never get one..? Why did I get this chance to be free, just to have it taken from me again.. I'm fighting for breath now. I cough, and blood spurts from my mouth. I smile, as tears roll down my bloodied cheeks. I hope you all live to fulfill this dream I never got to live..

I let out a weak chuckle. Do your best.. You were the only people I could call.. Family. I'm surrounded by darkness now. It feels so cold.. But, for some reason, I feel peaceful. Sure, this world was dark for me, but now.. I can see a new light, a new hope. But not for me. For these people that I know and love. See you later guys.. Is the last thought that goes through my head, and my whole world turns black.

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