4-12: Friday

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",- and with that we conclude today's debate on nuclear energy, I hope to see you all next Friday for the debate against the University of Edinburgh." As his words drifted away into the college hall, the small but nonetheless respectable crowd gave a polite round of applause. He waited for it to die down, until the murmur and shifting in the seats told him that it truly was over. Content he walked back to the desk where the rest of his team were talking amongst themselves.

"So, I'll see you guys Thursday for the mock?" He asked with a smile, causing the rest to look up.

"We can't convince you for a few drinks tonight?" Liz asked, but Tristan shook his head.

"No, sorry, I still have some things to do." While speaking he quickly gathered up his papers and stacked them.

"Did ye get yerself a new book." Killian asked with a grin, pretty sure of his assumption.

"Something like that." He answered with a slight smile.

"Do you know what happened to Hibiki? He wasn't here today." Sam inquired while straightening out her own papers.

"Eh who cares." Killian scoffed.

"He probably got in a lot of trouble for last Sunday." Tristan answered while checking if he got everything.

"He should've."

"I hope he's not punished too harshly, he couldn't have known you would get arrested." Liz said, countering Killian. Meanwhile Tristan nodded and closed his bag.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. But I really have to go, I'll see you guys Thursday, ta." He smiled with a raise of his hand.

"Ta!" - "Bye" - "See ya mate."

In a hurry he darted off, dashing past the last of the people that had lingered to chat in the back of the room.

"Good evening Mr Wright." Kazuo had to speak loudly to be heard over the heavy but steady rainfall and the idling engine of the car behind him. The head and tail lights behind him reflected in the large raindrops and wet asphalt, betraying just how awful the weather was.

"Evening." Tristan replied from under his own umbrella, once he had walked close enough to be heard. The exchange still made him uncomfortable, as he wasn't sure what level of interaction the social standings required, but when Kazuo opened the backseat door he knew well enough what was expected of him. He sat down and went to shake out his umbrella, but instead Kazuo made a polite gesture, offering to take it from him.

"Oh, thank you." He said sheepishly, as he handed it over. Kazuo smiled and bowed in response, before closing the door and moving to put the wet umbrellas in the back.

Still feeling awkward, Tristan checked his phone. He saw a message from Hibiki, received only minutes before.

H: Did debate finish yet?

Tell me when you're on the way

Tristan looked up when he heard the driver's side door open, and saw Kazuo sit down. Droplets of rain stuck to his hair and suit, even from a mere second of being outside without an umbrella. Unfazed, the man started the car and began their drive.

Meanwhile Tristan typed a response to Hibiki.

T: We've just left.

Do you live far away from town?

For a moment it remained quiet, but then another message popped up.

H: It is not super far, but it is in the hills

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