3-2: Escape

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Hibiki leant over his desk, thinking through his masterplan on how to break out of his golden cage, for just a day. He knew it was a reckless idea, but he couldn't stand to be locked up in this apartment for one moment longer – to be governed and kept in line at any and all moments of the day, no matter where he was. Even if he knew that he could ask to do things, part of him longed for a true freedom that he had never had even once: to just do what he wanted without having to ask permission, to go somewhere without anyone there to jank him back by the leash permanently wrapped around his neck. Just a day; a single day for him to break all the rules. It was all he needed, and he would take it, one way or the other.

Luckily he was breaking out, and not breaking in, making this a far easier task for him. All that he had to do was put a few things in place, and give himself an alibi to go outside without bodyguards. Well-aware that he had irrevocably set himself to this plan, he slid his phone closer, and unlocked it.

H: Hey

T: Evening

H: Would you like to come with me tomorrow?

T: Er?

H: Drive with me to London?

If that's okay, I know it's late.

T: Oh, right, sorry. I planned to go with Sam and the others, but I suppose it doesn't really matter one way or the other.

H: Only if you want to.

I don't want to drive all the way out by myself, you know?

T: Yeah, Sam's car would be properly crowded as well.

Maybe I'll leave 'An some leg room in the back.

Actually, not having to deal with 'An is definitely worth it, now I think about it.

H: Awesome!

I'll pick you up in the morning then? (^_^)

T: What time?

H: Around nine?

T: Sounds good :)

He closed his phone again, as a grin spread on his face. A strange kind of excitement raced through his chest, and he couldn't tell if it was nerves or enthusiasm, but either way he liked it. It made him feel giddy and energetic, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the next day – both good and bad.

From his bed he watched the stars and the clouds outside, waiting for his alarm to ring. By now a heavy knot had tied in his stomach from the anticipation, but what could go wrong? At worst he'd be grounded for another year, so nothing would really change. I'm just going to London with friends. People do go out by themselves all the time, so why am I not allowed to? It's bullshit. I don't want to be locked in here anymore.

Just the thought of it replaced his nerves with a sense of anger, agitated from the thought of spending even one more day locked inside. I'm not some pet, I can't be caged up forever. I want to go out, I'm legally allowed to. I can make my own decisions for once.

The ringing of his alarm made him groan, at the same time excited and tired, knowing he'd have to go the entire day on only a few hours of sleep again.. Maybe we should take the train back? I don't think Tristan can drive, if I'm too exhausted to.

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