1-9: Sweet Dreams

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Hibiki sat up in his bed slightly confused, leaning on both of his elbows as he blurrily made out a familiar but unexpected figure in the soft moonlight: Tristan. What the hell are you doing here? He wondered in surprise, as he sat up in full and looked at him.
"I'm sorry." Tristan mumbled, as he nervously twiddled his fingers. "Do you want me to leave?"

No... Hibiki slowly shook his head, not sure what he wanted exactly, but he knew it wasn't him leaving. Curiously he took in the sight; the soft, greyish moonlight made him look nearly ethereal, hiding every blemish while colouring him pale like porcelain, nearly reflective but invitingly soft. Tristan looked away from his gaze, biting down on his lip as a hue of red played on his cheeks.

Why are you here? He still wondered as he stood up from the bed, glad he hadn't bothered to take off his pants before. He caught Tristan glancing at him, which sent deep, warm tingles through his stomach – and he was pretty sure that his pants hadn't felt so tight before.
"I er..." Tristan started softly, looking up again into his eyes as he tried to find the courage for his words. Hibiki nodded slowly and expectantly, telling him to go on. "I thought you were cute." Tristan admitted under his breath, and Hibiki watched those sweet words spill over his lips with glee. Emboldened, he smirked and took a step closer.

I'm not the cute one here. Tristan caught his smirk, and blushed again but this time couldn't look away. It just made Hibiki grin devilishly, eager to find out everything that look promised him. The tingles grew heavier, sinking down to the point where he couldn't get away with calling it his stomach anymore. As he took another step closer, ready to untangle every little secret that hid behind those pretty eyes, he wasn't sure if he hadn't already gotten caught up in them. It doesn't matter now...
In unbridled curiosity, he lifted his fingers toward Tristan's face. He looked at him a little surprised, but didn't move away from his touch. His fingers ran over his cheek, cautious and careful at first, but soon he took in more and more. He felt warm, and he couldn't find a single blemish; instead only met with smooth and soft skin.
His eyes traced him, down to the finest details he could find in what little pale light shone in through the windows. He wasn't sure what he wanted to look at more: those soft, grey eyes that were nearly radiant in the dim light, or the lips he traced lightly with his thumb. You're so fucking pretty. He felt his breath get stuck in his chest for just a moment, a tinge of nerves and uncertainty as he leant in and took more from Tristan than he ever had the chance to take from anyone. It felt right; more right than any other stupid decision he'd made in his life.

Their lips met, and for a moment nothing else existed. It was only a gentle touch, but that was enough to set off sparks in his chest. He felt his warmth, a trembling breath spilling over him that betrayed Tristan's need. It encouraged him to take the lead, so he leant in further, no longer gentle but greedy.
Both his hands moved to Tristan's neck, and he could feel a hasty heartbeat; one which he caused to run wild. You're mine now... and he refused to let go of what was his. He played a game of back and forth, giving and taking away so Tristan had to lean in and silently plead. Each time he answered, rewarding him, making sure that he wouldn't even consider leaving.
He felt Tristan's hands drift to his chest, his touch far gentler and restrained, shy even. Too shy for his tastes. Instead he gave Tristan's lip a soft bite, teasing him with a playful smirk. Even in the low light he could see that blush return; it stirred some deep, animalistic desire in him, eager to use that vulnerability and take what he could.
One of his hands moved firmly under Tristan's chin, forcing him to look away and expose his neck. His other arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him in tight against him. With his claws sunk in, he decided to have a taste of his catch. He slowly licked up from the bottom of his neck, savouring every sweet reaction he could draw out. The quivering breath, how he stiffened up in his grasp, and the soft, slightly aroused whimper that left him as his tongue drifted over the tender skin right below his jaw and ear. He took a deep, long breath, enjoying the long since faded scent of a bright cologne and Tristan's own, specific smell which he found only more enjoyable the longer it lingered. Until he had to breathe it out again, his exhale trembling in excitement and fading into a low, possessive chuckle – hungering for even more. I want a piece of you so fucking bad... with a grin he gave Tristan's ear a menacing bite.
Tristan glanced down at him as he pulled away again, and even though his body language was still cautious, his eyes and blush belied how aroused he was. But he didn't want to look up at him, that wasn't how he liked his views. Instead he wrapped both his arms around Tristan's waist, and pulled him over onto the bed. With a light bounce and a surprised little yelp, Tristan landed there sprawled out. Embarrassed, he bit his lip, but Hibiki didn't give him the time to think about such things: he had him exactly where he wanted, moving over him and keeping him right there.

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