4-E: Morning

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Tristan woke up to the soft blue light of dawn. The sheets still smelled fresh: like roses and cedarwood, even after he had slept in them all night. He didn't know why he had woken up so early, and he couldn't pinpoint a precise reason since the bed was far better than his own. Maybe it was because Hibiki's spare bedroom was unfamiliar, and that upset his sleep; but it could just as well be a mere coincidence.

With a sigh Tristan rolled over and faced the windows to the side: they weren't as impressive as the huge windows in the living room, but the glass still spanned ceiling to floor offering just as good a view. A heavy autumn fog drifted low over the fields, spilling between trees and hills. Sparse clouds floated past the last stars, bright enough to still defy the nearing sunrise. It was beautiful and calm, and the worriless moment allowed him to contemplate everything that he had rushed past.

This is so strange. I know this is real, but it doesn't feel like it? He let out a deep sigh, and ran his hand through his hair only to find it tangled. It's strange... because I'm not afraid. I think I'm happy? I can't remember if this is what it's like... what does that say about me? It's too early for this.

With a heavy groan he threw the duvet off of him, and sat on the edge of the bed. By then gentle hues of purple and pink had scattered along the sky. Despite his best efforts to counterargue his own happiness, Tristan couldn't help but smile at the sight. It was as if the colours resonated within him, and although it was overwhelming to feel more than the dark of night, it wasn't unpleasant. He would just have to get used to being content – and careful not to run back into the dark to hide because he was afraid of the unfamiliar. Then again, it was easier thought than done; and probably the sort of profound nonsense that only made sense when he'd just woken up.
Stretching and yawning as he stood up, Tristan figured he had wasted enough time. If he wasn't tired, he should just get dressed and do something more useful. Since he hadn't expected to stay the night, he'd have to wear the same clothes as the day before. Although he felt a bit grimy it was nothing that deodorant couldn't mitigate.

He had wanted to read a few articles on his phone while waiting for Hibiki to wake up, but when he stepped out into the hallway he heard the rapid trotting of four legs. Before he could respond, he was cornered by a very intrigued Maki. The dog's ears piqued, and its head cocked curiously.

"Er... hi." Tristan said softly, raising his hand to about hip height. Understanding the beckon, Maki immediately came closer to give his hand a lick.

He had seen Hibiki scratch Maki behind the ears, and carefully he tried to do the same by reaching his hand around. He'd been fully prepared to pull his hand back in case Maki would snap, but instead the dog looked up at him expectantly. So Tristan went ahead and gave scratches behind one ear, for which Maki gladly leant in to the point of pushing against his hand.

Before he good and well knew, Tristan had knelt down on one knee to properly pet Maki. He grinned a little seeing the dog so eager for attention, tail wagging and tongue lolling out. The moment was abruptly broken however, when suddenly Maki's ears pointed up again to listen for something Tristan couldn't hear. Maki turned around, to then rapidly dart back into the living room and up the stairs.

It didn't take Tristan much effort to figure out that it was Hibiki that had woken up, and a second later he heard the rustle of blankets and a heavy, annoyed groan. Caught in the moment, Tristan wasn't sure whether to respond to it or say something to make his presence known. He awkwardly stood at the precipice between the hallway and living room, trying to figure out what was best: speak up, take a few loud footsteps, or return to the guest room.

Before he could make up his mind, Hibiki had leant over the railing of the loft and spotted him. Although he'd been somewhat prepared to be spotted, he hadn't expected for Hibiki to be wearing nothing but loose boxers. Clearly not quite awake yet, Hibiki ran a hand through his hair, his black locks poking out every which way. A nod of acknowledgement was all he gave Tristan. The latter quickly averted his gaze towards the sunrise, golden rays now peeking just over the edge of the hills. He desperately tried to pretend he couldn't feel his cheeks burn bright red, but he was only fooling himself with it.

A short whistle reverberated through the room, and caught Tristan's attention, albeit reluctant. When he looked up, he saw Hibiki tap his wrist twice to indicate time, then hold up five fingers. Despite his blush, Tristan gave a firm nod that he understood what it meant – but he didn't look any longer than absolutely necessary, feeling as if he was crossing a boundary of privacy by doing so.

The sound of footsteps indicated that Hibiki had left, and he threw a careful peek up to check. Maki looked back at him, his head pushed between the rails to get a good look. The sight made Tristan smile a little, and in response, Maki wagged its tail faster then pulled its head back to trot down the stairs again.

While Hibiki got dressed, Tristan sat down on the couch. He still hadn't gotten around to reading the article he'd meant to, as all his attention was expertly siphoned by Maki. What felt like only a few moments later, he heard Hibiki come down the stairs. By then he had put on black sweatpants, a T-shirt and zip-up hoodie, and tied back his now brushed hair.

Tristan's smile only widened at the sight, and Hibiki gave him an equally eager smile in return.

"Are you going for a run?" Tristan asked, his voice sounding unnaturally loud in the early morning. It made him feel like he had quite literally broken the silence.

Hibiki didn't appear to mind however, giving him a nod and signing the number ten.

"Ten miles?" The number staggered Tristan, as he'd never ran that far in the entirety of his life, but Hibiki shook his head. Instead he plucked his phone from his pocket and plopped down besides Tristan on the couch.


Although it seemed like a significant difference for Hibiki, it didn't change that much for Tristan, since he was quite certain he hadn't ran that far either.

"I didn't know you were so sportive." He admitted softly, causing Hibiki to softly chuckle and smile proudly.

'I have to keep in shape for the races. So I run and work out'

"I probably should too."

To his surprise, Hibiki shrugged and shook his head.

'Just be healthy, you have other things to work out'

Hibiki gave the side of Tristan's head a light poke with his finger, only for that playful gesture to soften into a stroke on his cheek with two fingers. The blush returned, but Tristan didn't mind so much this time around.

"How long will you be gone?"

'1 hour'

"I can do that." Tristan nodded, and Hibiki smiled back as if he'd never even doubted it.

'Then we'll have breakfast'

Another nod from Tristan confirmed that he was fine with that, but a moment later he looked up somewhat worried.

"Don't do anything reckless, and... don't run?" It was difficult to pose the question, feeling he was needlessly confronting Hibiki with it.

But Hibiki didn't seem to mind, instead a dangerous smirk curled up around the corners of his mouth as he typed his response.

'Why would I? You're here'

Before Tristan could answer, Hibiki had given him a soft kiss on the lips. Dazed by the sudden gesture, he couldn't do anything but grin like an idiot and nod – the lure of love enough to put his worries to rest.

Another kiss silenced him entirely, and with a short nod he let Hibiki go.

A few moments later he watched as Hibiki leashed Maki at the front door, and left. It was only when the door fell closed that any intelligent thought managed to get back into his head, and he laid down to finally read the article.

It was easier now he was certain he was happy.

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