1-4: The Pub

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"Cheers, to many more good speeches." Liz said all chipper, as she lifted her glass of malt beer towards Tristan.
"Cheers!" The other three lifted their own drinks against hers with a loud clang; a coke for Tristan and Sam, and a pale lager for Killian. They all took a big swig, then smiled and grinned.
"Man, I can't wait for Paris." Liz said, referring to the debate planned for two months from now.
"You hoping to find some good looking Paris lad?" Killian grinned, before sticking out his tongue.
"I'd even settle for a Paris lass if it includes dinner." Liz said back, lifting her glass with a wink.
"I see you got your priorities in order. How about you Triss, looking forward to the French lads?" Killian gave Tristan a little prod with his elbows, but the latter just rolled his eyes.
"You're awful obsessed with those, aren't you?"
"A hole's a hole, even in Paris, buddy." Killian shared his eternal wisdom as he took another sip of beer. It caused Liz and Sam to have a rather sudden chuckle.
"I was planning on keeping it family friendly, actually, maybe practise a bit of French, and buy me some books." Tristan continued, trying to counter the crudeness with a serious response.
"You're not going to spend all your time in the library like last year, are you?"
"There is nothing wrong with spending time in the library." Sam butted in.
At that stage, everyone got caught in a back and forth on the importance of libraries. It left Tristan a moment to let his gaze drift through the small pub. It was a typical pub: lots of wood and dark colours, walls covered in meaningless pictures, and posters that all blended together in the background, and a long bar behind which a variety of liquors and beers were stalled out. Two bartenders were busying about to fill all the orders from the students gathered on a weekend night, and in general the pub was pleasantly crowded.

"Aren't you getting warm in that suit?" Liz asked as she scooted over in front of him, leaving Killian and Sam to their debate. It pulled Tristan out of his mindless staring.
"Huh? Oh, no, I'm used to it."
"I can hold onto your tie and jacket if you want at least?" She offered, showing him her purse like it would somehow function as a vault. Tristan undid his tie, rolling it up and handing it to her.
"I guess I'll go casual tonight then." He said with a smile.
"Maybe you should go wild for once and undo a button." She said with a playful wink while carefully tucking his tie away so it wouldn't crease.
Tristan sighed and undid the button on his collar, but then smiled and undid the second one as well.
"Is this wild enough?" He said with a smirk, before sipping his coke.
"Whew yeah, be careful with that, or otherwise you'll confuse 'An." Liz grinned, fanning herself with one hand as she feigned checking him out. A moment later the both of them shared a good laugh, unable to keep up the act.


Once more Hibiki found himself in the back of a spacious car, although of a different model and make since it wasn't actually his parents'. Behind the wheel sat a well groomed Japanese man in his early thirties, clean shaven with his hair neatly parted down the middle. He wore a black suit, tie and black, soft leather gloves.
「You understand the rules, Yukimura-sama?」The man asked, occasionally glancing at Hibiki through the rear-view mirror.
Hibiki nodded and smiled.
「I will pick you up at midnight, no excuses.」A stern gaze was thrown at Hibiki, but he nonchalantly waved it away saying he understood – it didn't need to be repeated.

「Oi, Zuzu, can I borrow your jacket?」
Hibiki signed a few moments later.
「Not if you ask it like that.」

「Wouldn't you please lend me your jacket, oh kind and benevolent Kazuo-san?」
He asked with as deep a bow as his seatbelt allowed for. Kazuo took a deep breath through his nose, attempting to focus on the road instead of the overly polite mockery.
「Why do you even want it, it's too big on you.」

「Yes, that's exactly why.」
「Just wait till I've parked, please.」Kazuo relented.
With a wide grin Hibiki nodded, getting comfortable in the backseat while he played his puzzle game for the rest of the ride.

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