Silence Ebooks and Paperbacks!

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Hey guys! 

I will be releasing Silence ebooks and (if everything goes right) paperbacks this weekend! 

The ebooks are already on presale on Amazon, simply search for 'Allyn Crowe' and you will find it. 

Both the ebook and paperback version will include some improvements and updates to the version that is online:

- It has a fully functional table of contents- Includes a completely reworked Arc 1- Comes with extra scenes not in the online version- And edits for quality of life

The ebook is already available for pre-order, and the paperback will become available per the 2nd of October. I have ordered a copy to check if everything alright, and if it is, the paperback version will go live too.

The Ebook costs $9.99, the paperback will be a little more expensive at $25

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