3-3: Road Trip

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"You don't have any bodyguards today?" Tristan asked as he fastened his seatbelt. Considering the size of Hibiki's bodyguards, it would be a feat not to notice, but he had expected to see them waiting outside at a second car. Instead Hibiki shook his head and smiled, typing on his phone.

'I'm going with you, so I won't be alone'

Tristan nodded at that answer, figuring it was straightforward enough, but he couldn't quite make sense of it all. Didn't he tell me that he wanted to be rid of them? For a day? This seems like a very convenient day... Slightly nervous his hands gripped his knees, and he couldn't help but throw a sideways glance at Hibiki who by then had put the keys in the ignition. It's his birthday though. And he's right, I am here, and so will everyone else be once we're there. Maybe I shouldn't challenge it? He could get mad, and he seems happy now.

Hibiki looked up at him and smiled, and in that moment he knew he couldn't find it in him to ask any further and take that away. So he smiled back, putting his doubts to rest and going with the moment.

Rather suddenly however, he saw Hibiki realise something. A little confounded he watched as he plucked a backpack from the back seat and plucked out a brand new book. With a smile Hibiki handed over the Scandinavian detective novel to him. While he typed some clarification, Tristan already set to reading the back.

'Maybe you can read it on the way there? Since we can't chat'

"Oh, that's a brilliant idea." He answered, not even having considered how awkward over an hour of silence would be. "It looks interesting."

Hibiki grinned and gave him a thumbs up, proud that his book choice was approved.

'Do you like it?'

"Er?" Tristan mumbled as he looked up, already having turned to the very first page while Hibiki had been typing. "Well I can't say yet, but it looks like it's written quite well. It's been a while seen I read a current book, so the everyday English is refreshing."

Hibiki's wide smile slid into a soft chuckle, hearing Tristan admit that.

'Welcome to the 21st century'

"I'm know I'm old, but not that old." He responded with a smile, but immediately Hibiki shook his head.

'You're not old at all'

"I feel old."

'You're wise, that's different'

Tristan chuckled slightly and then shook his head, but Hibiki just kept smiling at him telling him to take the compliment. So instead he smiled back, letting it rest. With another text, Hibiki changed the topic and broke that lingering moment before it could get too soft.

'Have you had breakfast?'

"I had some scrambled eggs, you?"

'Nothing yet, so I'll buy something for on the road. Do you want coffee or so?'

Tristan thought about it for a second, but then shook his head.

"It's a bit too early, maybe a cup of tea?" He asked, still unsure about asking anything from Hibiki, but he immediately nodded and smiled.

"So then, we're going?" He confirmed that their chat was indeed over, causing Hibiki to look at him and smirk, before tossing his phone over to Tristan to signal he had nothing left to say. He pointed at the glove box, gesturing for him to put the phone away, and Tristan did albeit a little reluctant to touch the pristine looking dashboard.

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