Part 2. Chapter 20. Amica Endura.

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He monitored what was happening with the help of small spy robots that floated in the air nearby and broadcasted everything directly to the command center. Massive destructions, many died among the earthlings... and both Primes with their henchmen survived. Unicron damn them, persistent slaggers, maybe legends really don't lie... Or perhaps it's something else...

Drones also recorded the moment of their battle with the search party, which was supposed to deliver them both Primes functioning or disabled. Again that strange shield Megatron activated. Need to learn more about this. Maybe their new moles in the human power structures will be able to figure out something... The leader needs results, they all do.

The holographic terminal has emitted an incoming call alert. Damn, the leader is so impatient... he snorted and stepped into the center of the flaring projection circle on the floor, beyond which a large hologram of the master appeared in front of him.


"At the moment, I'm not calling about a report on the operation progress, but to inform important news," the leader's voice was rather serious. "Your request for additional resources and fire support will be honored. I have just been confirmed that the Peaceful Tyranny is heading towards you."

"The Decepticon Justice Division??" he was incredibly surprised. Wonder how they managed to win over the punitive detachment loyal to Megatron... Maybe it's a trap? Probably, the assistant failed to hide his concern, since the leader immediately hurried to explain:

"Tarn and his group are among those who didn't like the peace deal with the Autobots. They believe shadowplays were involved, they are sure that experienced mnemosurgeons have worked on their leader's mind, and are determined to return him. It wasn't difficult to enlist their support."

"Is this wise?" the assistant couldn't restrain himself. "What will happen when they find out the truth? We risk making new enemies for ourselves." There were many rumors about the DJD, far from the most pleasant, they managed to see something with own eyes about their doings. They hunted defectors and brutally dealt with them. The punitive detachment was created after the events on Toganor-5. This case seriously shook Megatron's psyche... since he kept close... such guys. "How much do they know?"

"Enough to become our temporary allies. They are aware of the Matrix of Leadership in Megatron's chest and believe that without it he will become his true self." The leader thoughtfully looked somewhere behind the assistant's right shoulder and again focused gaze on him: "So much the better if our former comrade survives."

"I understand," he nodded.

"Stay vigilant, Tarn is a Point One Percenter just like Megatron. This whole group is loyal to their leader to the very best helms, and they are not thrilled with this alliance. Be careful." And the hologram disappeared.

"Great, we already have enough problems," the assistant grumbled and returned to the monitors. Now he has just received detailed information about this very Decepticon Justice Division, but they already knew a lot in the course of secret observations of both sides of the conflict.

 Now he has just received detailed information about this very Decepticon Justice Division, but they already knew a lot in the course of secret observations of both sides of the conflict

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