Part 2. Chapter 16. Help from outer space.

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The team of transformers got to the right place in about forty-one minutes. On the way, they were joined by all the other Decepticons and Autobots, who at the time of the notification of the ship's arrival were in other places, not at the Decepticon base. The meeting place was one of the military bases, over which the ship was supposed to appear. Precisely to fly in and hover above and not to land next to this military object. Knockout on the way also joked: "If our hulk lands, she will crush everything at a distance of several kilometers." Andrei, who was traveling with Sam and his new girlfriend in Ironhide's cabin at that time, added that he had heard similar jokes about the Russian An-124 Ruslan plane.

"Your Ruslan plane has a wingspan of 73 meters, and the Nemesis in length, if translated into terrestrial units, is more than 2 kilometers," the Decepticon medic proudly responded via the communication channel

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"Your Ruslan plane has a wingspan of 73 meters, and the Nemesis in length, if translated into terrestrial units, is more than 2 kilometers," the Decepticon medic proudly responded via the communication channel. "Two kilometers and two hundred meters to be exact."

"How many ???" the guy didn't believe, looking out the window to better see the red and white Decepticon in the form of an Aston Martin car overtaking them.

"As it is." Knockout for a second caught up with the leader of the Autobots SIC and immediately overtook him.

"Ofiget'," he squeezed out in Russian and looked at Sam in shock. The other guy looked no less surprised.

The Decepticon Lord, hearing the talks below, chuckled to himself. Really something, but he was very emotionally attached to his ship, Megatron was even ashamed that for some time he didn't even remember, and then didn't even think that the cruiser existed... as well as that part of the team that is now on beard.

"Is it really that big?" Yalara couldn't believe. She mentally tried to imagine what it looked like, and her imagination gave the girl a rather incredible picture.

"It is," Megatron said proudly. Yalara thought, before the Omega Supreme she saw spaceships only in science fiction movies, modern human ones do not count. Actually... before the Cybertronians appear, the girl knew about aliens only from films, video games or books. Looks like the sight will be impressive.

About the imminent appearance of the ship became known the next day after Megatron's order. This information was kept in the strictest confidence in case the enemy eavesdropped on humans communications, so not even all members of the US government knew about it. The code name 'Project Cosmos' was used in collaboration with the leading world countries such as Russia, Germany, England, France, Japan, China and others. The heads of these countries were also invited, just like the media representatives to cover the events, since this can't be hide, it would be better to tell everything as it is in order to avoid panic, perhaps this will even calm the population a little, unless the same media or individual Internet bloggers will try to provoke the opposite effect. But there were also those who believed that the Cybertronian cruiser should be kept secret, because according to the Decepticons it has a powerful energy field capable of deflecting electromagnetic waves of any frequency, that is, if necessary, the ship can hide from radars and even out of sight. And this already at least equalizes the chances, because the new enemy a similar technology, literally appearing out of nowhere and then going nowhere.

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