Part 2. Chapter 6. Avenger's move (pt.1)

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(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

As they approach the Alpha space base, the Harbinger gradually slowed down. Megatron didn't take his admiring glance of the station growing in front of them, which had a rather unusual design. It was a kind of hemisphere with long spikes sticking out over the entire surface of this strange construction, and one of them stood out in thickness and length, it towered above the others, like a spire or a lighthouse. The almost frightening impression of this structure was given by almost black color, with dotted white lights from the windows and bright glare of the reflected light of the star closest to the planet nearby.

 The almost frightening impression of this structure was given by almost black color, with dotted white lights from the windows and bright glare of the reflected light of the star closest to the planet nearby

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The space station was not just huge, it was gigantic! The impression was made that inside this hemisphere the whole Iacon, Cybertron's capital city, could fit. Such a thing Megatron had never seen in his life before. What he saw so shocked him that for some time the Decepticon even forgot that only a few minutes ago he left the medical bay, barely holding his feet.

One of the pilots turned on the speakerphone and calmly said:

"Toganor-Alpha, dreadnought Harbinger requests permission to dock."

"Permission granted," the answer followed almost immediately, "Harbinger, follow the docking bay 205, approaching course 07304-В. Welcome back."

The spaceship slowly began to land. The belt of ship docks, which were rectangular recesses, illuminated by flickering red bulbs, edged the entire station along the 'equator'. It was to one of these 'windows' that seemed so small from afar compare to the rest of the space base that the Harbinger was heading to.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Draconofus crossed servos over his chest, clearly enjoying the surprise on Megatron's face.

"Huh? What?.." he didn't immediately realize that the winged one was addressing him. "Ah, yes... Yes, yes ..." the Decepticon didn't even try to hide his emotions, although he usually preferred not to show them.

"I felt the same way you did when I first came here. Will never forget this feeling."

Megatron turned in his direction:

"Want to say, you've been here before?.."

"And more than once," Draconofus confirmed.

(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

The spacecraft entered the dock quite smoothly. Signal lights flickered on the ceiling and walls, and the sound of a siren could be heard even from the bridge. Outside two large hoses immediately stretched to the ship, each of them about two meters in diameter, which with a hiss entered the openings in the lining. The spaceship flinched and froze.

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