Part 1. Chapter 4. Heroes from out of nowhere.

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The next day when she came to school, Yalara realized that almost everyone knew about the events of the night. The news that something happened on the territory of the residence of the Minister of Defense flew around the school. There were many versions: a fallen meteorite, an alien invasion, a broken lawn mower... From the last assumption Yalara could hardly restrain laughter. Yes, there were many other opinions. But not a single was true. It were Tiffany Fenzon and her friends who spread the rumors, one of them lives near Yalara's house and the next morning saw a bunch of guards and police cars there.

 It were Tiffany Fenzon and her friends who spread the rumors, one of them lives near Yalara's house and the next morning saw a bunch of guards and police cars there

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"What, Starshine, the party was good?" Tiffany giggled venomously as soon as Yalara managed to enter the classroom. Of course in response, she didn't utter a word and silently sat at her desk, pulling out the necessary textbooks. The first was a math lesson. They started a new topic, but Yalara wasn't listening. Being lost in her thoughts she was somewhere very far away. More precisely, she thought about him. His strange question about why people need laughter... Yeah... But he managed to ask this question to a person who absolutely doesn't understand anything about it. Ask her what joy is - Yalara will not answer, but about sadness she knows almost everything.

"Miss Starshine? Hey, Miss Starshine!"

"Yalara!" someone pushed her on the shoulder.

"Huh?!" the girl jumped sharply in the chair. "What?"

Kayla, sitting next to her, nodded toward the teacher. He stood at the blackboard, holding a pointer, and looked at Yalara on top of his glasses with thick glasses.

"Please repeat what I just said," Professor Davis seriously raised his eyebrows. Yalara opened her mouth, but made no sound, because she didn't know what it was about. The math teacher shook his head in disappointment: "I ask you not to be distracted, Miss Starshine. This topic, by the way, will go into the test."


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