Part 2. Chapter 14. Internal contradictions.

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At the estimated time Omega Supreme was in Earth's orbit. All the transformers gathered on the bridge, as well as Colonel Lennox and Andrei along with Yalara. Given the multi-levelness of the room, even for humans being so small compare to Cybertronians there was a good view through the panoramic window. By the standards of those on the ship, the journey didn't take so much time, but, given the distance traveled and what happened at the Alpha station, it seemed like eternity.

Once again Yalara amazed how beautiful the planet Earth is from space... And it flies around its star at an enormous speed, but this is not felt in outer space at all. The terminator zone or light separation, the border of day and night from here seems to be so clear, but in fact this territory is quite vast, and in one hemisphere people already meet a new dawn, and in the other they see off the preveous day. The dark part of the planet shines with billions of night lights, while the light one is enjoying the sun rays... unlike territories covered by clouds, of course. In some places thunderstorms are also visible, and they seem so insignificant from here... A huge spaceship of natural origin, one big home for humanity. And down there... people live their normal lives, not thinking about what happens around. They have one task - to survive, especially now, when humans are threatened by a new enemy...

 They have one task - to survive, especially now, when humans are threatened by a new enemy

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Ratchet got in touch with Earth and reported about the approach. The Kennedy Space Center responded in the affirmative, and Omega Supreme began to descend. For seconds the ship was engulfed in flames, but the medic reassured that nothing threatened the ship, this is a natural process when entering the dense layers of a planet's atmosphere. No overloads were felt, probably also thanks to the effect of artificial gravity, which was achieved not due to the effect of centrifugal force. Alien technology...

"I wonder what color Earth shines from space?" suddenly Yalara asked quietly. "Was always curious."

"It's not that it shines, it reflects the visible spectrum of waves, like many objects," the leader of the Decepticons corrected, raising his left index finger. "Stars emit light, and planets reflect it, so it's easy to determine which of the heavenly bodies is what. If a point in the dark sky flickers - this is a star, if not – then it is a planet. As for Earth... At a distance of..." Megatron stopped short, the exact numbers still won't say anything to his human friends, it's much easier to translate everything into visual images, "well, imagine, at a distance as far away as a star, your planet will be pale blue due to the atmosphere and oceans. "

"Like a blue star?" Andrei specified and, having exchanged glances with Yalara, asked: "And what color Cybertron is?"

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