Part 2. Chapter 10. Revenge of the Fallen.

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(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode- time from 3:21 to 6:44)

Both leaders returned to the ship's bridge. A few minutes later Blackout and Bulkhead also joined them, as well as humans: Yalara, Andrei, Colonel Lennox and several military men. Omega Supreme had already approached the wreckage surrounding the station and was now flying through this cemetery of spaceships and piles of obscure pieces of metal, which were separate parts of blown up starships and what Ratchet identified fragments of the lifeless frames of the dead Cybertronians. Some of these ghost warships were virtually intact, others had many holes, and some lacked engines, bow or other parts.

 Some of these ghost warships were virtually intact, others had many holes, and some lacked engines, bow or other parts

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"God ..." one of the humans whispered.

"Primus... This... this..." Bulkhead tried in vain to find the words, but there were none, so the big Autobot decided to shut up without ending the phrase.

Megatron and Blackout looked at each other. They knew what happened here once. The leader of the Decepticons remembered these events only in fragments, and Blackout and Soundwave probably should have known about what had happened in detail. They didn't lose their memory, and were here with their leader when this happened.

The Alpha station, just like hundreds of years ago, orbiting the lifeless planet Toganor, in the rays of the local sun now looked especially ominous. Megatron remembered what it was like when he first arrived here with his mentor and subordinates. Then the space base even from afar was full of life, and now... Now his former 'new' home was no longer so hospitable. Holes in a hemispherical structure, long sharp spikes menacingly glittering in the light of a nearby star, the complete absence of signal lights... There was a feeling as if there was a monster lurking inside this silent giant structure, it was just waiting for the curious reconnaissance ship to land so to absorb all passengers, without even thinking what kind of life form it was.

"What was there?.." Optimus muttered, glancing questioningly at his brother. But Megatron was silent. A strange picture surfaced in his memory: from the bridge of his ship he and the crew watched in the distance the Alpha station and the ships surrounding it devouring an energy light dome... And also Fallen's words: "The last line of defense..."

"Let's get inside," Megatron said quietly. "What does the radar show?"

"The signal is clear," the Decepticon signalman answered, checking the computer readings, "the radiation source inside the base..." He suddenly straightened up in his chair and turned to the leader: "Commander?.."

"Do it, Soundwave," Megatron nodded approvingly. "You remember this place better than I do."

He muttered something in response and directed the ship toward a hemispherical structure. And not onto one of the docks that edged the station around the perimeter, but directly into one of the wide holes in the dome, large enough so that a ship like Omega Supreme could pass through it.

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