Part 2. Chapter 17. Unexpected strike.

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A small ship slowly approaches Cybertron's orbit... The planet hasn't changed outwardly, but Megatron knows well what is happening on its surface. The war has begun, battles are taking place in different cities, although this cannot be detected from space. Enemy combat ships don't react to the small transport shuttle with a recognizable ID number, but instead of a squad of technicians there is a diversion group of three mechs: Megatron himself, Starscream and Soundwave. Their task at the moment is to land on one of the two moons and meet with Fallen's messenger, who must transmit them data on the enemy's new defense systems. To do this, all three had to put on additional elements of armor with red Autobot emblems before taking off. Megatron hardly suppressed his contempt, seeing himself in the reflection like this... They'll have to land at one of the guarded lunar stations, if lucky, they won't be declassified.

"Base Epsilon-M, this is the shuttle Meteor-36," Megatron got in touch with the planetary satellite, "requesting permission to land

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"Base Epsilon-M, this is the shuttle Meteor-36," Megatron got in touch with the planetary satellite, "requesting permission to land."

"Permission granted, Meteor-36," the dispatcher's voice answered after a while, "you can start approach, follow the course 45-Delta."

"Copy that, Epsilon-M."

"So beautiful..." Thoughtfully looking at the once home planet nearby, said the winged seeker sitting to the left of the leader, who was piloting the shuttle. "Do you remember the first time you were in space?"

"Before the Academy, I've never been in space," Soundwave said on the right, "I saw Cybertron from orbit only when our entire course went to the training base on Shardan. You remember this."

"Of course," Megatron grunted, slightly turning the ship so as not to go off course, Luna-1 is already close, "as you said then: 'Burst my optics, what a beauty!'" Although the topic of the past was unpleasant to him, everything returned to the betrayal of the 'family', the Decepticon Commander remembered this moment with a smile. Never mind, we will take this planet away from our enemies, he added to himself, they will answer for everything. But now the main thing is to complete Harbinger's task... Do not be distracted...

Suddenly a red indicator blinked on the dashboard, accompanied by a corresponding quiet squeak. Megatron felt his internal systems unwittingly tense: what else is there?

"Something's wrong with the navigation system," Soundwave checked the readings, "the computer asks for a 7% adjustment."

"Seven percent?" Megatron clarified, changing the course along the trajectory.

"Now sixteen..."

"I need the exact number. So seven or sixteen?"

"Meteor-36, you are seriously deviating from the course, what's happening?" the dispatcher's worried voice interrupted.

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