Part 2. Chapter 5. Secrets of the past.

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The Leader of the Decepticons glanced again at the lifeless body of the damaged mechanoid. Fiasco again. The Allies once again failed to find out the plans of the alien invaders. It seems that the enemies have foreseen everything. Here and now there were no more evidences proving Megatron's theory. However for hi, only one mention of the name 'Harbinger' was enough. It means that the night attack was not accidental... It was a warning, a secret message intended specifically for the Decepticon Lord... Megatron remembered the first day of the attack, when during the battle one of the attackers spoke to him: 'We were warned about your possible appearance...'. But he didn't have time to complete the phrase, because he was shot down in the back by Optimus Prime from the ground, damn that Autobot. The enemy soldier, obviously, could say something else, but it was already too late. Therefore, the Decepticon didn't understand back then. Only now everything began to fall into place.

 Only now everything began to fall into place

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"How so?.." he whispered softly, addressing himself.

"Megatron?" The Leader of the Autobots was still waiting for an answer.

The Lord of the Decepticons only opened his mouth in order to voice his assumption, but then the sound of jet turbines was heard, and six fighters and two helicopters descended from the sky. A minute later, the Autobots and three Decepticons in ground vehicle forms arrived (Barricade, Longhaul and Sideways). Arrivals surrounded both Leaders and the enemy drone's lifeless corps.

"Wow!" Bumblebee marveled. "So they are just like us?"

 "So they are just like us?"

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"Amazing..." the clumsy Bulkhead squatted, staring at the lifeless faceplate. "I have never seen them so close..." He continued to be amazed, but in a quieter tone, carefully noting the enemy's wings, his helmet configuration, optics structure, unusual sign on his chest...

"Prime, you're badly damaged..." Ratchet remarked, accidentally glancing at Optimus's left foot.

"This..." the Autobot Leader moved a poorly obeying lower limb, "just... nothing. Not too successfully landed."

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