Part 2. Chapter 22. Determination.

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(!)It's the last chapter in English. All others will be only in Russian(!)

(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

In order to keep the ship out of sight, Tarn gave the order to put the Peaceful Tyranny into low-earth orbit, activate the shields and said everyone to go to the shuttle. There is a high risk of being discovered by the Nemesis and noticed by local organic inhabitants.

 There is a high risk of being discovered by the Nemesis and noticed by local organic inhabitants

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It was night on the half of the planet they were about to land. Coordinates provided by their liaisons on Earth led them to a military human base next to the high hill, which, when the shuttle sent a request to land, began to move: the ground suddenly rose up, opening like giant doors that served as an entrance to an underground hangar. A disguised Quintessonian ship. The meeting side assured, all the human military at the base nearby have already undergone chipping and coding. And in fact, no aggression or fear came from humans.

In a large gloomy hangar four Quintessons were waiting for the arrivals, as well as the messenger of the leader himself and two dozen human soldiers who simply stood still and looked somewhere in front of them with empty look.

Eight Decepticons who arrived were six operatives and a medic, there was also a mech who wasn't part of this squad, but also displeased with the situation and was no less dangerous than the others. Maybe more even. The other seven at least do what their leader tells them to do, therefore, they can theoretically still be contained. The latter however...

Of the sevenDJD members, the tallest and most massive ones were Helex and Tesarus

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Of the sevenDJD members, the tallest and most massive ones were Helex and Tesarus. The first was a mighty armored car with white and blue armor, complemented by yellow elements. As they said about him: 'A walking acid pool'. Indeed, the substance contained in the built-in tanks could easily erode both the armor and the protoform of other mechs. The second one was beige and red with tank tracks on the shoulders, a red cross on the faceplate, and in the stomach there was a large round hole with spikes that can split into pieces in moments.

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