Part 1. Chapter 18. If home is where the Spark is... (pt 2.)

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(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

Andrei went downstairs. He didn't want to stand behind the door and eavesdrop. Yalara herself will tell him if she wants. And if not, the guy won't ask who exactly she decided to call.

"Andrei?" his aunt asked surprised, leaving the living room. "And where is Yalara? Already gone?"

"No. She is upstairs, talking on the phone."

"Something happened?"

"Something happened?"

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"Well yes. Something like that. Yal... She has a very difficult situation. She quarreled with a friend." Andrei decided not to go into details and not to mention that this 'friend' is also not a human. "A very close friend of hers, today he returns home. And Yalara... she wants..." Then his phone rang, and Andrei was glad that he wouldn't even have to invent anything: "Sorry, my friend is calling."

"I see," aunt nodded and went to the kitchen.

"Hello? Yes Sam, hi. What? Yes I know. Yes. No, I..." He turned to the stairs leading to the second floor. "I'll come with Yalara. Mandatory. Tell them we will definitely be there. Yeah, okay. Bye."

He suddenly heard steps behind his back. Andrei quickly hid his cell phone in the pocket and turned to the descending Yalara:


The girl slowly approached Andrei and, looking down at the floor, mumbled quietly:

"I just talked with dad... Well, they are leaving today from the cosmodrome at the base where we met Ultra Magnus and..."

"What time?"

"At half past eleven. Ummm... More precisely at 23:39, everything is exactly there. Cosmonautics..."

"Well," Andrei, who decided not to talk about the conversation he just had with Sam Witwicky, looked at his wristwatch, "we have five more hours..."

Yalara giggled nervously and leaned her back against the wall, arms crossed over her chest. What did he want to say? That she still have time to talk with Megatron? Or what is left to wait for a very short time, and after the transformers depart everything will again be as before? Then it will be possible to breathe freely and get rid of the guilty feeling tormenting her? If, of course, this is possible...

 What did he want to say? That she still have time to talk with Megatron? Or what is left to wait for a very short time, and after the transformers depart everything will again be as before? Then it will be possible to breathe freely and get rid o...

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